CNN Cancels Aslan – IOTW Report

CNN Cancels Aslan


“America has sent an unmistakable message to CNN,” Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell declared after public outrage forced the network to fire “Believer” host Reza Aslan on Friday.

“America has sent an unmistakable message to CNN,” Bozell said in a statement. “We will not stand idly by while their so-called ‘religious scholar’ smears the president of the United States and conservative leaders with obscenity-laden insults.”  MORE

Snip: Another of his finest tweets:

19 Comments on CNN Cancels Aslan

  1. Bozell is full of shit. The “unmistakable message” to CNN is to turn off the lights, pull the plug and lock the doors.

    I’ve heard it put in a fanciful but quaint way, “eat shit and die.”

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