CNN Climate Town Hall: 2020 Dems Tout Green New Deal, Carbon Taxes and Destroying Business – IOTW Report

CNN Climate Town Hall: 2020 Dems Tout Green New Deal, Carbon Taxes and Destroying Business

Warren to Utility Companies Using Carbon-Based Fuel: ‘Sorry Guys, by 2035, You’re Done’.

“Bernie Sanders has endorsed the idea of the public ownership of utilities, arguing that we can’t adequately solve this crisis without removing the profit motive from the distribution of essential needs like energy,” an attendee said.

“As president, would you be willing to call out capitalism in this way and advocate for the public ownership of our utilities?” the man asked.
“Gosh. You know, I’m not sure that that’s what gets you to the solution,” Warren said, expressing her willingness to take on “giant corporations” but refusing to take aim at Sanders’ position specifically. Instead, she said, she will simply tell those companies, “sorry guys, but by 2035, you’re done.”

Warren: I Support a Carbon Tax.

Biden: I Would Support a Carbon Tax

Biden on His Climate Change Plan: Some People in Some Industries ‘Are Going to Be Displaced’

Wednesday during CNN’s climate town hall, Democratic presidential hopeful former Vice President Joe Biden said enacting his climate change plan meant some workers “will be displaced.”

Kamala Harris: As President I Will ‘Get Rid of the Filibuster to Pass the Green New Deal’

Harris said, “Here’s the thing. first of all, let me tell you, I think about this issue about this, my nieces are one-and-a-half and three-years old. When I look at those babies, and I think about what the world will be like in 20 years if we don’t act. I’m really afraid. And as it relates to those Republicans in Congress where I’ve now been for two and a half years, every one of those members needs to look at the babies, the grand babies in their life and then look in the mirror and ask themselves why have they failed to act?”

Harris: We Should Ban Plastic Straws, Have Incentives to Ban Single-Use Plastic.

13 Comments on CNN Climate Town Hall: 2020 Dems Tout Green New Deal, Carbon Taxes and Destroying Business

  1. “Warren to Utility Companies Using Carbon-Based Fuel: ‘Sorry Guys, by 2035, You’re Done’.”

    …hmm, put THAT one next to Hillary’s “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”, in terms of “Green” virtue signalling to the base.

    …how’d that work out for Hilz in the General, anyway?

    Might be where Warren is headed.

    There’s some old saying about “Those who do not learn from history”…

  2. I wonder how many union members and current retirees have a pension fund that is heavily invested in energy companies understand that skipping off and merrily voting for one of these dangerous morons realize that they will destroy their retirement? It’s time union membership actually started to vote in representatives and executives that actually care about them and their futures.

  3. Now I know what those Hillary supporters felt like before the election. The most qualified candidate in the history of the world [snicker] running against a bankruptcy filing pussy-grabbing issue flipping talkshow host with zero governmental experience, how could she possibly lose?

    This gaggle of slobbering batshit crazy playing with their own feces lunatics currently running for the Democratic party nomination is so removed from reality in every conceivable issue; from their war on fossil fuels, their open borders, their sanctuary cities, their free healthcare for illegals, their utter disdain for working families, their war on religion, and their total abandonment of protecting our civil liberties, how on earth can any of these clowns hope to unseat The Orange Man?

  4. 10 little indians, excuse me, 9 + 1/1024 indians, all in a row. Ban fossil fuels!!! All but 2 of them also want to ban nuclear. Replace them with what? Solar? Fry the birds. Wind? Chop the birds up. Hydroelectric? Nope, can’t build more dams.

    Someone find an efficient way to convert hot air to electricity. While you are at it, find a way to make efficient batteries without using rare metals and plundering the earth.

    Thinking it will not happen in my lifetime.

  5. I am proposing the “Greener New Deal.” Key elements are:
    – The sun is responsible for warming this planet, so I will have NASA shoot millions of rockets at the sun to teach it a lesson and tone down the sun’s rays hitting earth.
    – Or maybe put a giant awning into space to provide shade if the millions of rockets thing is too expensive.
    – I will move past Bernie Sanders into Joseph Stalin territory and intentionally starve billions of poor and underprivileged people to death.
    – More taxes on everything, including a tax on taxes.
    – Coal miners and oil drillers will be employed putting carbon based fuels back into the earth.
    – A new 25,000 square foot beach house for me because…well, just because.
    – Hamburgers will be made out of recycled plastic, which will solve both the cow problem, the plastic problem, and the overpopulation problem.
    – I will impose an immediate ban on plastic water bottles. All water consumed anywhere in the US must be drunk from a garden hose to be designated for each 100 people in any given location.
    – Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and I will host a funeral pyre for Ruth Bader Ginsburg using the Constitution as kindling. It’s the kind of send off Ruth would want even if she isn’t technically dead yet.

  6. Just heard on Mark Levin ole B.S. also supports taxpayer funding of abortion to fight climate change by population control. Ole Bern doesn’t want to stop at destroying businesses. That takes to long to destroy people. He wants to go direct.

    “Bernie Sanders, …, said Wednesday that he would support U.S. taxpayer-funded programs in developing countries that administer abortions as well as help give women access to birth control.” .


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