CNN Commentator: Corporate Media Accepts Tim Walz Is ‘Too Dumb to Tell the Truth’ – IOTW Report

CNN Commentator: Corporate Media Accepts Tim Walz Is ‘Too Dumb to Tell the Truth’


A CNN commentator has asserted that the corporate media is giving Tim Walz a free pass on multiple lies because Democrat-aligned “journalists” simply accept that he’s “too dumb to tell the truth.”

CNN pundit Scott Jennings noted on Wednesday that Walz, the Democrat presidential nominee, has been explaining away lies by playing “dumb.”

As Slay News reported, at one point during Tuesday’s debate with Republican rival JD Vance, Walz described himself as a “knucklehead.”

Walz made the remark while dodging a question about why he lied about being in China during the infamous massacre at Tiananmen Square in the summer of 1989.

Corporate media outlets appear to be buying Walz’s claim, that he’s a “knucklehead” who “misspoke,” as a plausible explanation. more

14 Comments on CNN Commentator: Corporate Media Accepts Tim Walz Is ‘Too Dumb to Tell the Truth’

  1. He doesnt know what the truth IS.

    Just like his father.

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

    John 8:44-45

  2. @Vicious Sid — Yessir. Calling him simply “dumb” is perilously misleading.
    Timmy is low-IQ and malevolent.

    Hmm. Tim. Timmy. Walz with a Z.
    I think I’ll start referring to him as Zippy (ref: Zippy the Pinhead).

    Zippy is low-IQ and malevolent.

  3. …hes a coward, derelict in his duty and a traitor to his command and his country.

    I dont really need to know anything more than THAT.

    …but I notice he looks quite a bit like John “Songbird” McCain.

    Acts like him too.

    So maybe its for the best that he betrayed his oath and weaseled out of his duty to save his own worthless skin.

    Because God KNOWS how he would have sold out his men on the battlefield so he could live to run away another day, just like Songbird did…

  4. He’s on national television and tells another needless whopper: My son witnessed a school $ho0ting.

    He is hopelessly insecure and deals with it by lying to make himself look significant. When, where will he not lie?

  5. Without a doubt, the two worst candidates in American history to run for the executive branch. But, there are enough idiots out there to make this close.
    While walking the dog this morning this thought occurred to me, and it’s not a pleasant thought. The morning after the election, if we all wake up to find out the kamala has been (s)elected, there are three truths we cannot deny: (1) the election was stolen. (2) no one is going to do anything about it. (3) the USA is done as a country.
    #2 is what bothers me the most. Knowing that the so-called “heroes” in the military will not do a damned thing about the outright assault on our constitution means everything we’ve believed all these years have been lies. I hope and pray that I’m wrong, but I don’t see anything to convince me that I am.

  6. Either he’s “dumb” and can’t tell the truth – or – he’s not-so-dumb and won’t tell the truth.
    Either way, he’s not the person that I want two heartbeats away from leading this country.


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