CNN Experts Concerned Biden Could Die From COVID-19 Before Election – IOTW Report

CNN Experts Concerned Biden Could Die From COVID-19 Before Election

WFB: The so-called scientific experts are urging people to start wearing masks again to combat the spread of COVID-19.

• CNN, a once reputable media conglomerate, reports that “a growing number of experts” are warning individuals “at high risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19” to protect themselves by wearing N95 face masks.

• President Joe Biden, 80, is particularly at risk of serious illness and death from COVID.

“Octogenarians comprise the highest-risk group for complications following Covid infection,” Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a cardiologist, told CNN.

• Reiner continued: “At least until the numbers start to drop again, it would be appropriate for President Biden to take some precautions and wear a mask in crowds.” MORE

46 Comments on CNN Experts Concerned Biden Could Die From COVID-19 Before Election

  1. Mmmmmm K… I see whut they’re doing…
    Get rid of a complete jackass that is a thorn in their side, then milk it for the fear factor! Now THAT’S whutcha call a win-win!

  2. …and here I thought they’d blame MAGA.

    But I can see where they could use this, too.

    …”If HE died of Coof, ANYONE can die of Coof, so severe lockdowns for EVERYONE and online voting ONLY via a designated Communist-run platform. Maybe after the ‘election’, President Newsome will let SOME of you monkeys out of your cages long enough to dance for us before we replace you with illegals”.

    …but no reason they can’t marry the two. Off Pedo with Coof, then a MAGA hat wearing Fibbie that somehow escapes at a slow walk does The Cackler, 2 for 1 and they get to shut the economy down, lock everyone up, AND take the guns,prepping the field for our Commie masters to easily decide our fate.

  3. …of course,they COULD choose “president Jill” or “president Hunter” for us too. Wouldn’t THAT be fun?

    …although president Mooch or president Cankles isn’t out of the question either. Depends on what they think will do the most damage AND be the most humiliating for us.

    Mooch is pretty lazy even for an angry Black “woman”, and Hillary’s Vengeance Tour will be EPIC for its reprisals for DARING to delay her anointing, so at least ONE term of The Butcher and then Mooch or Gavin can have what, if anything,is left.

  4. So now they want people to use more expensive (and harder to breathe in) N95 masks. I guess the tissue paper-like masks they forced us to wear in 20-21 were just BS (and unnecessary)

  5. So THAT’s what is gonna happen. Hes going to die of this … and then the Marxist scum will use it as a pretext to lock down the country. And then they’ll use the event to further demonise the anti vaxxers and use THAT as a premise to do away with the Constitution

    I’m the youngest brother of five, and my mother was a teacher who pushed education on us from the cradle. We’d get every periodical there was — Life, Time, US News, Readers Digest .. and I read them all. And I mean I was as well read at age 10 as most adults, more in fact. And so, when the Summer of Love came around in 1967, I knew it was actually the Summer of Bullshit. I never bought into any of the premises of the Boomer Rebellion ever. To me, it was the ravings of ingrate narcissists who never appreciated that they had it better, by far, than any other group in all of history

    But even I could not have predicted a tenth of what is going on now .. because I always thought the advance guard of boomers would grow up. But they never did

  6. SNS AT 8:39 AM

    …but no reason they can’t marry the two. Off Pedo with Coof, then a MAGA hat wearing Fibbie that somehow escapes at a slow walk does The Cackler, 2 for 1 and they get to shut the economy down, lock everyone up, AND take the guns,prepping the field for our Commie masters to easily decide our fate.


    Sometimes I think we’re just brainstorming for the opposition with posts like that.

    “Oh Damn! Why didn’t we think of that?”

    Probably the best reason for the opposition to visit this site.

    “Go ahead. Tell us what you most fear we will do next. Thanks for the free intel.”

  7. CPUSA spelled out their Agenda to destroy the USA almost a hundred years ago.
    Review it and see that they’ve accomplished all their goals. Note well who helped them to accomplish these goals and never forget.

    The final battle approaches.
    When Xerxes thought he would crush free men and run the table, a few good men defiantly stood in his way. Freedom or Death. Which side would you bet on?

  8. I see a lot of dreamers here. Biden has access to advanced Covid treatments that are not available to the general public.
    Along with his EV pack being recharged, he’s the Energizer Bunny. Just like the windup Timex watches, he takes a licking & keeps on ticking.

  9. Dr Tar, all they have to do is arrange an ‘accident’.
    Then, they test him for COVID and *poof*… “It’s a COVID death”.
    Just like motorcycle accidents, suicides etc were the first go round.

  10. You all know the pic of the Commie rat bastard getting his brain lead pilled by that South Vietnamese general that was on the cover of Life magazine

    I actually saw that Life cover. In fact, I pulled that particular mag out of the mailbox. I was the first to see it. And I was so excited that I rushed into the house and said, “Look, Mommy, this here Vietnamese general is-ah givin’ this Commie rat bastard of a guerilla sombitch what fer. Can I turn this into a poster?”

    And of course, my mother was shocked at my language. So she said, “Remember, Callmelennie, we stress proper speech in this house. So what you should say is ..

    “Look, dearest Mother, this eminent Vietnamese general is dispensing an all too justified, impromptu street justice to this COMMUNIST rat bastard of a guerilla SON of a bitch.”

    OK, some of that at the end was made up. In fact, everything after “I was so excited” was made up.

  11. Impossible. Joe is jabbed (supposedly). And as we were all told, the jab “is safe and effective” and if you get it “you won’t get sick, and if you do, you won’t die”.

  12. +5, Callmelennie

    We called them hippies. I hated their guts. And I too remember exactly WHY I hated them. They knew NOTHING! Drugged, stupid, lazy, slovenly shitheads. Didn’t know the Constitution, history, science, mathematics, philosophy, etc. They were very poorly read and the shallowest thinkers I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.

    But some of us Boomers did grow up, Callmelennie. And we remain the dedicated-to-principle, philosophical purists at heart we were as kids. 😌

  13. *SIGH*
    Once again.
    These people are Satanic beasts.
    And, seriously, outside of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who gives a flying fuck if the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey dies?

    “Sign o’ the time;
    when madmen lead the blind.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  14. Thank God, I didn’t fall for all that hippie shit back in the late 60’s and early 70’s. I may have tried to be a hippie wannabe but 3 years in the Navy from 72 to 75 broke me of ever wanting to be one of them, especially all the damned anti-war Vietnam protestors who aided and abetted the commies into winning that damned war. I never was and never will an agin Peter Pan baby boomer who never grew up and still act like the 60’s were the best time of their ungrateful lives.

  15. Dadof4 AT 9:54 AM

    “Oh Damn! Why didn’t we think of that?”

    “Probably the best reason for the opposition to visit this site.

    “Go ahead. Tell us what you most fear we will do next. Thanks for the free intel.””

    …well, in THAT case, DON’T tell them we are REAAAALLLLY afraid of the BAD ORANGE MAN being President! Tweets *SO* mean is SCARY, please, Br’er Democrat, whatEVER you do, DON’T let Trump back in office, it would JUST be the SCARIEST THING EVAH!

  16. General Malaise — I thank you. Besides, there is a so-called Generation Jones who were the younger siblings of the earlier so-called Boomers. We witnessed all the grief our older sibs caused our parents and vowed to not be like them. Then we grew up and made the most of every talent and bit of luck that we possessed.

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