CNN exploits an impaired Linda Ronstadt to attack President Trump – IOTW Report

CNN exploits an impaired Linda Ronstadt to attack President Trump

American Thinker| By Peter Barry Chowka:

For more than a month, CNN has been hyping its showing this week of a new biographical documentary film about the famous singer and recording artist, Linda Ronstadt.  At age 73 now, Ronstadt has been out of the public eye for the past decade after being diagnosed with a serious, degenerative neurological condition — initially thought to be Parkinson’s but in late 2019 confirmed to be progressive supranuclear palsy.  The 95-minute-long documentary, Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice, was co-produced by CNN and had its television premiere in prime time on CNN on New Year’s Day.  It will re-air tonight, January 4, at 9 P.M. E.T./P.T.

The film itself was bad enough (see below).  But on New Year’s Eve, exactly one day before its showing, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper goaded Ronstadt into an on-camera interview shown on his prime-time program AC 360 so she could contribute to the channel’s non-stop bashing of President Trump.  Not surprisingly, the interview made big news across the mainstream media landscape.  Newsweek summarized the salient points in an article titled “Linda Ronstadt Compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler”:

In a CNN interview, singer Linda Ronstadt compared President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, saying both used strategies to “find a common enemy for everybody to hate.”

Appearing before the CNN premiere of her documentary The Sound of My Voice, Ronstadt told anchor Anderson Cooper she was certain that Trump would be elected when he announced his campaign.

“I was sure that Trump was going to get elected, the day he announced,” the “When Will I Be Loved” singer told CNN. “I said, ‘It’s going to be like Hitler, and the Mexicans are the new Jews.'”

Ronstadt also drew parallels between Trump and Hitler’s ascension to their respective offices, saying that because few spoke out against their behavior while they campaigned. [sic]

“The intelligentsia of Berlin, and the literati, and all the artists were just busy doing their thing. Hitler rose to power — there were a lot of chances to stop him, and they didn’t speak out,” she told Cooper.

In her conversation with Cooper, Ronstadt, like all of the president’s left-wing critics who decry him as another Hitler, failed to cite any evidence for her assertions or examples of the POTUS’s alleged dictatorial actions.  Her claims that Germany’s “intelligentsia,” “literati,” and “all the artists” “didn’t speak out” against Hitler — and that there is some sort of parallel situation in the U.S. today — are absurd.  In reality, the anti-Trump Resistance demanding his ouster has been a powerful and omnipresent force opposing the president in American popular culture, the media, academia, and other sectors since before President Trump was even inaugurated.

It turns out that Ronstadt is not new to the anti-Trump Resistance.  On September 28, 2017, The Guardian published an interview with her.  In response to the question “What do you think will happen under Donald Trump?,” Ronstadt replied:

It’s a genuine national emergency. What he wants is to be in control of the media, and he has an acute instinct for the lowest common denominator — he knows how to go really low. So if we don’t wake up, he could turn us into a dictatorship. I’ve read a lot on the history of Hitler, and people keep drawing comparisons … they’re so staggering — it’s step by step by step. He’s isolating us, he’s taking us out [of contact] with South America, Mexico, Canada … if we get attacked from outside, who’s going to come to our rescue if we’ve isolated ourselves from our neighbours?

In the same interview, Ronstadt made the strange admission “I don’t like any of my [28] albums,” adding that she never listens to them.

The CNN documentary

I happen to know a few things about Ronstadt and her career, having reported extensively on former California Gov. Jerry Brown between 1976 and 1992.  For approximately five years, starting around 1976 when the two encountered each other at Lucy’s El Adobe Cafe in Los Angeles, Ronstadt was Brown’s girlfriend. read more

33 Comments on CNN exploits an impaired Linda Ronstadt to attack President Trump

  1. I should care her political views, why?

    Have the Dave Clark Five or Donovan weighed in? How about ‘The Crazy World of Arthur Brown’?
    Anything from Herman’s Hermits? The Troggs?

    I am craving political analysis from defunct musicians.
    How else am I supposed to form my political point of view?

    Help me Iron Butterfly!

    Give me wisdom Monkees.

  2. Here is how entertainers and leftists think: When Hitler came to power, “the intelligentsia of Berlin, and the literati, and all the artists were just busy doing their thing.” These people didn’t stop Hitler when they had a chance.

    I guess artists can be counted on to do the job of taking out a tyrant as long as they’re not doing their “thing”.

    So the next time Trump wants to take out a mass murderer, he should hire an artist or novel writer to do the job. Sure, OK Boomer.

    She still talks in the patios of the late 1960’s…artists doing their “thing”. Hippie to a police officer, ca 1968: Leave me alone, man, I’m just doin’ my thing, dig it?

  3. Can’t read rest of article. Everytime I go to American Thinker the fake Google pop up spam takes control of my phone. That site has done that for me for years. That being said, Linda, you’re no good, you’re no good, you’re no good, baby you’re no good!

  4. @PHenry

    I’d like to add Little Feat to your list. Ronstadt had some sort of connection to the band. Band leader Lowell George dropped dead in the late seventies from OD’ing on speedballs.

    Yes, entertainers have a lot to teach us, seriously.

  5. “… if we get attacked from outside, who’s going to come to our rescue…”

    NOBODY you clueless bint! Same as it has always been.

    We (The United States of America) take care of ourselves, and most of the rest of the free world!

    Its you leftist losers who think someone should come and rescue you after you’ve screwed the pooch.

  6. I had the worst crush on her. Saw her live when she opened for Niel Young is Salt Lake City. She owned the stage and it was the best show I’ve ever seen. Too bad her brain wasn’t as fine as her voice. Oh well.

  7. Yeah I was waiting for Mexico and South America to come to our rescue. Can you please tell me when that ever happened? The only thing they send us is illegals and taco trucks.

  8. Hey Dan, I read your comment and it didn’t even occur to me that it could have been directed at me. In fact, a couple days ago went into the local saloon for the first time since Thanksgiving and the bartender said “you look like you’ve lost a little weight”. She’s always fishing for a tip.

  9. She was a cutie-pie when she was young, no doubt about it. The picture of her I’m thinking about has her in a mini-dress, wearing big hoop earrings, wind-blown hair, and a nice smile. She was probably around 19-20 when the photo was taken. A picture of carefree youth.

    However, as many a poor slob has found out, good looks are skin deep, and don’t last long.

  10. Definitely impaired – physically and mentally. She has a crippled mind from being an evil myopic leftist all her adult life. Her physical condition is no excuse for Trump Derangement Syndrome. Being talented doesn’t give her a pass either. Don’t have any sympathy for such a hateful woman.

  11. ‘artists’ (& I use the term loosely because today’s standards are so low) are nothing more than Court Jesters …. they sing, they dance, they tell jokes, they toot horns, ring bells, bang drums, they try to look reasonably acceptable by the standards of the day … or at least funny (Rolling Stones being the exception).

    if you caught the opening monologue of tonight’s Golden Globe awards, Ricky Gervais tore Ho-Wood a new asshole …. & he was funny as hell about it

    btw, loved Ronstadt back in the day … one of the most pure voices in rock/pop & had a huge crush on her … great legs, great eyes, beautiful mouth & those bucked teeth! woooo! … age & disease haven’t helped her in her dotage … aging catches up to us all

    another artist w/ a million dollar gift from the Creator w/ a 10 cent head


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