CNN Fails To Disclose Key Facts About Andrew McCabe In Interview About DOJ Criminal Investigation – IOTW Report

CNN Fails To Disclose Key Facts About Andrew McCabe In Interview About DOJ Criminal Investigation

DC: CNN interviewed Andrew McCabe on Friday about developments in a Justice Department criminal investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, but the network failed to disclose that the former FBI deputy director is suing the Justice Department and is under criminal investigation himself.

Interviewed by CNN’s Jim Sciutto, McCabe, a CNN analyst, was largely critical of the investigation, which is being led by John Durham, a U.S. attorney in Connecticut, and overseen by Attorney General William Barr.

Durham’s investigation has recently shifted from an administrative review of U.S. intelligence activities related to the Trump campaign to a full-blown criminal investigation.

Sciutto noted at the top of his interview with McCabe that the former FBI official could very well be a target of the Durham probe.

But neither Sciutto nor McCabe disclosed during the interview that McCabe is under investigation for making false statements to the FBI and Justice Department regarding his authorization of leaks to the media in October 2016.  READ MORE

11 Comments on CNN Fails To Disclose Key Facts About Andrew McCabe In Interview About DOJ Criminal Investigation

  1. Democrat media is in full coverup mode now that a criminal investigation into the players has been introduced by DOJ.

    For instance, I watched the teaser intro of NBC Nightly News tonight. Not even a mention of DOJ opening a criminal investigation into Obama Justice Department and Intel community.

    Not one word.

    Of course I only hung in for the teaser because I monitor such things. Did not stay for the NBC Nightly Propaganda.

  2. You know the interviews done by the “Fake News Networks” are pre-written for them by the “Deep State” to try to continue to cover these criminals collective asses.

  3. “NBC Nightly Propaganda” -PHenry

    That’s where they spray Hillary’s diaper with Febreeze to make it pass the sniff test so you’ll watch it.

    I can’t watch any of the alphabet’s, either. They’re nothing but shitty mouthpieces of the Democrat Party.

  4. I pity the people that fail to see the facts, (my two sisters included).

    The facts are there but liberals don’t care.

    There are none so blind as those who will not see.
    (quoted from someone from somewhere)

  5. Pravda is probably more accurate than Propaganda. Pravda is Russian for Truth. Truth is dictated by the Deep State.

    Lester Dolt & assoc will present today’s Pravda, conveniently omitting inconvenient facts.

    I pity people who watch the nightly broadcasts and feel that they are informed.

    I hate it when they vote.

  6. @jellybean. Between us we have half a brain. It really depends on one’s sources of information.

    You can watch Nightly Pravda, no matter the outlet, feel that you remain current with the facts. But whetherPravda misleads through inclusion, rumor, suggestion or outright lies….it is presented seriously as TRUTH.

    So your sisters know Pravda.

  7. If, if, the swamp deep-state rats turn to cannibalism this will become entertaining, and satisfying. Still dreaming of seeing major change in attitude and changed facial expression on these traitors defiant faces.


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