CNN Finally Reports on Hunter’s Laptop It Once Called ‘Breitbart Rabbit Hole’ – IOTW Report

CNN Finally Reports on Hunter’s Laptop It Once Called ‘Breitbart Rabbit Hole’


More than 18 months after describing Hunter Biden’s laptop as a “Breitbart rabbit hole,” far-left CNN has begun to report on it.

Yes, when you absolutely, positively need your news more than a year later, you can always count on CNNLOL.

Here’s the former, disgraced, and then-CNN chief Jeff Zucker in late 2020 explaining why his fake news network refused to cover and outright buried a legitimate and explosive story about the Biden family’s jaw-dropping corruption:

I do think, on the Breitbart, New York Post, Fox News rabbit hole of Hunter Biden which I don’t think anybody outside of that world understood. Last night, the Wall Street Journal reported that their review of all corporate records, showed no role for Joe Biden on the Chinese deal. And yes, I do put more credibility in the Wall Street Journal than I do in The New York Post.

If you read between the lines, Zucker really said this:

Obviously, the Biden laptop story is accurate and extremely troubling, but CNN doesn’t care about such things. We are here to further the left’s fascist agenda. That’s it. That’s the only reason we exist. That’s who we are and what we do. Truth doesn’t matter to us. Facts don’t matter to us. This kind of scandal and corruption doesn’t matter to us. Our pride and integrity do not matter to us. We are bent over in service to leftism. Period.


8 Comments on CNN Finally Reports on Hunter’s Laptop It Once Called ‘Breitbart Rabbit Hole’

  1. Each and every employee of CNN needs to be eviscerated, drawn and quartered, hanged, beaten, racked, forced to watch CNN re-runs, tortured, tried, and executed (when found guilty).
    That is all they understand.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is how they program chips in all NPC heads to make their all NPCs say the same thing. There’s only so much memory space on these chips so the news has to come in at a drip. Now the laptop is real, but it’s going to take months, maybe years, before realizing the laptop content has anything nefarious on it. By then Joe will be gone, probably dead, so it won’t matter.

    CNN. When news doesn’t matter.

  3. Breitbart gets sloppy at times. Nowhere in their story do they document the headline’s claim. We are given no specifics or links on the claim that CNN hasn’t reported on the laptop, nor on the claim they they are doing so now. I don’t doubt that this is all likely true, just that Breitbart is sloppy in making the specific claim. This makes it worthless for passing on to others.


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