CNN Goes Off Script, Says Biden’s Economic Numbers Are “Depressing” Live On Air – IOTW Report

CNN Goes Off Script, Says Biden’s Economic Numbers Are “Depressing” Live On Air

Trending Politics-

In a rare moment of naked honesty for CNN, Data Reporter Harry Enten visibly stunned host Erica Hill when he told audiences that the economic numbers currently spelling a nightmarish scenario for President Joe Biden are “depressing.”

As reported by The Daily Caller, Enten offered the explanation that the major decline in Americans’ disposable income is the root of our dismal opinion of the although he claims other metrics are tending into the positive. more here

5 Comments on CNN Goes Off Script, Says Biden’s Economic Numbers Are “Depressing” Live On Air

  1. Powell on December 2, “Nah, we aren’t cutting rates.”

    2 weeks later, “We’re going to cut rates.”

    What changed? All the economic indicators that came out in those 2 weeks were in favor of keeping rates higher. Inflation ticked up, wages ticked up, retail sales were hot, employment up… Nothing in those numbers would lead Powell to do the magic rate pivot.

    I’ll tell you what changed. The Biden admin was ringing the fed every damn second telling them to cut rates. It’s election year and Biden needs a bailout.

    We’ll see just how much this helps the democrats. So far everything Biden admin has done to reverse his pathetic appeal has backfired. IMO, March is one hell of a month, and I bet they cut in March and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. Refer to 2008 and 2020 for examples of the power of March and a dovish fed in a post hiking cycle.


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