CNN, Hillary and 0bama were sent ‘suspicious packages’ – IOTW Report

CNN, Hillary and 0bama were sent ‘suspicious packages’

Report: Suspicious Packages Sent to Obama, Clinton.

CNN’s NYC Studios Evacuated After Suspicious Package Sent to Time Warner Center.

Unfortunately for them, the public is wondering if a DNC-friendly agent sent them out just so the Dems can get a little sympathy and distract from the real threats the Republicans have been suffering for the last 2 and a half years.

Nice try, though.

83 Comments on CNN, Hillary and 0bama were sent ‘suspicious packages’

  1. False flags. I am now convinced that the liberals and globalists (including some “Republicans”) will truly stop at NOTHING to derail the changes in this country that have happened since Trump took office.

    How many more “incidents” AGAINST liberals are going to pop up in the next few weeks? Honestly, and very very sadly, it wouldn’t surprise me to see another school or mall or church mass shooting. Is there a Demonrat politician willing to take a bullet (wounding only) for the team in the next few weeks? I pray I am wrong.

  2. A mail bomb? Gimme a frickin break. Other than a lib, who would think Hillary or Obama would open a package just because it has her/his name on it. And Soros, that guy has a mailbox?

  3. What does “potential explosive devices” mean in this case?
    Batteries and cans of hairspray are potential explosive devices.

    Was a note included? What weirdo sends an entire ‘bomb’ and doesn’t include a manifesto or a mix tape of speed metal with ‘implied messaging’ or something?
    And why are all these ‘sources’ handing out info anonymous or don’t want to be named?

  4. It’s not all that uncommon of a problem.

    I send leftists packages that they consider “suspicious” all the time. Once It is explained to them what soap and deodorant are it clears up some of the confusion. I still haven’t been able to get most of them to leave behind their suspicions that both are something they just might want to buddy up to though.

  5. They tried to stop the Kavanaugh vote, they’re not above trying to stop the mid-term elections. They’re not winning and they know it. Major hysterics and false flags expected.

  6. I just flipped on the teevee and saw this story, then wen here, and yup; all my IOTW friends had exactly the same thoughts as I . False flag, 11 days before the election, anonymous tips so ALL the bombs were found before they detonated. All designed so the Dems can blame “Trump’s rhetoric “, they will now say “see the right is more violent than the left”, etc. Just remember the burning of the reichstag.

  7. Just heard the one sent to CNN was special for Brennan. Timing? Squirrels?

    Breaking Sunrise, Florida Police Department confirms an office building has been evacuated due to suspicious package in the mail. It’s the same building where the office of U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is located – WFOR

  8. If the packages ticket it’ll be gifts from clock boy, Ahmed Mohammad.

    My bet is that they are completed absentee ballots that were suppose to show up in Florida, Nevada and Missouri but were mislabeled and marked “Return to Sender” by the post office.

  9. Almost all “targets” are washed up former politicians. Why bother?

    Also, can I just do a quick google search to get the home mailing address for former Presidents? Or George Soros?

    Bullshit story top to bottom.

  10. Let’s see now … the more notorious bombers (excluding the filthy fukkin raghead savages) are Bill Ayers and the Weathermen and Ted Kaczynski, both nihilistic socialist totalitarians and … uhh … who else? Can you think of a single Constitutionalist who planted (plants) bombs? Anybody? Raise your hand … whoever said “because I believe in the Equality and the Dignity of Man and the Bill of Rights, I’m gonna blow you to Kingdom Come!”
    The Founders did it in self-defense, but I can’t think of any others.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. With all the video surveillance this should be an easy catch.
    I’m expecting some “aide” to Soros or some other leftist.
    This is so phony. Anyone who doesn’t think so probably watches only PMSNBC.
    You should see the comments on their fb page. Bwahahahaha!
    They’re all saying it’s Trump’s hateful, violent speech. No one quotes him though. I commented just to tick them off.

  12. Now Eric Holder – this is just like everything the Dems do, way to over-the-top. Who cares about Debbie Blabber Mouth Schultz and the rest of this gang of losers and CNN too?! Come on. Funny how just earlier this week they were talking about Trump rally’s inciting violence. All too coincidental.

    Rush is saying it would only be compassionate to vote them out of office to save their lives. LOL

  13. Upon hearing about Soros, my very first thought was false flag. Now that the others have mystically materialized, I am 100% convinced!
    Besides, sticking a package in these idiots’ mailboxes is operationally stupid. The aftermath of a real event, would have us watching the FBI/ATF sifting through rubble.
    Proglasites are transparently predictable, and they only vicariously put their own skin in the game.

  14. CNN was sent a lie detector to be hooked up to the hosts and you can watch them bury the needles in the lower banner on the screen when they are talking.
    Hillary was sent a new E-Mail Server.
    Obama was sent a check from Netflix.

    These are all suspicious packages to me.

  15. The Good GENERAL Svejk –
    Alright, I went to your twitter link.
    This is what I think—

    1. Not enough stamps for the weight, no canceled stamps, no cancelation markings, no other markings from the post office like paper or extra tape, etc.

    2. The packages were hand delivered at the same time in different states. They spelled FLORIDA “FLORIDS”.

    3. If it was a suspicious device, why did they take it out of the package and take pictures of it? [It looks like an inhaler with dirty toilet paper stuck into one end, with a small digital alarm clock or watch face.]

    4. If the FBI, secret service, blah blah blah saw the ‘device’ that I saw in the photo, and thought it was real and dangerous, why the hell would they allow them to show the entire world? Each ‘bomb’ is like a personality of the person’s mind that made it, and in turn, each piece may also contain fingerprints. They would have saved that info for an investigation. Not let it go out to the fake ass media. They’re just gonna tip off the ‘bomb’ maker like that? STUPID!

    5. 4 or 5 were ‘mailed’. None went off. Not even a ‘boing yoi yoiiing!’ was heard.

    6. No one called a TV station talking about, “IT WAS ME! KISS MY ASS, BITCHES!”
    Bombers are attention whores. Please. That’s why they make bombs.

    All that, is why I think this whole thing is bullshit.
    Of course, I could be wrong, but I did stay at an Econolodge once.

  16. My first thought and gut reaction was, “They sent it to themselves.”

    Glad to see most people also think that. Screw em, and screw Cumo and his stupid ‘we will naught give in 2 terroristz’ press conference. 🖕

  17. bwaahahahahahahahahaaaa
    Look at that fooking fool Ali Velshi on msnbc waving his hands all Rob Reiner doing his man on the street routine. No Shame. Phil Griffin needs to be jailed with Soros and Zucker.

  18. On MSNBC fb pg I presented evidence of leftists calling for violence against Trump supporters and asked to be shown evidence that President Trump had called for violence. Their heads are exploding. This is one response, after which I asked if he is four years old with an LOL for good measure….

    Ellae Johnson
    Kandi-Lee Hoy the evidence is in your face. What you call “evidence” is “reaching for justification of my right wing political bias”

  19. Michael Avenatti has just filed a lawsuit against President Trump, alleging discrimination because he WASN’T sent a mail bomb!

    Also, Michael Moore probably wasn’t sent a bomb, as his last schlockoumentary is already the biggest bomb, ever!

  20. Does anyone yet know if these are actual bomb/devices which can cause harm? It’s interesting that “suspicious package” seems to be the preferred description so far. If they are real bombs, then the Media would gladly say so, right?

    If they are harmless, fake mock-ups to look like bombs, then it serves the Dem/Left/Media Narrative to cover up this fact and continue with the “suspicious packages” theme for maximum hysterics.

  21. And I still don’t care! Even if they’d gone off I’d still have made my Bacon and Tomato sandwiches…

    They were probably staged anyway…. False Flag to shift attention off their BS!

  22. Conservatives didn’t do this. If they did, they’d be successful.

    Fortunately, we are the more level-headed of the bunch. We are going to BEAT them fair and square through their most hated nemesis…..competition.

    As the election comes closer, the false-flag attacks will intensify. They may even sacrifice some of their own to convince the low-informed.

    It won’t work. Desperation and emotionalism rarely does.

  23. 5 bombs and no ka-bluey?
    Either they are the most incompetent bomb maker ever, or they were never supposed to explode.
    Incompetent and subterfuge is a Prog trait.
    I am smelling a red herring.
    Again, my BS meter is recording an 11.

  24. Every last person who received their Acme special had a hand in making sure Bernie didn’t get the nomination.

    Those Bernie bros haven’t taken things very well. Steve Scalice concurs.


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