CNN is Very ‘Concerned’ About Afghanistan — Because of All the Chatter by ‘White Supremacists’ – IOTW Report

CNN is Very ‘Concerned’ About Afghanistan — Because of All the Chatter by ‘White Supremacists’

Becker News- On Wednesday night, surprisingly not-fired CNN host Chris Cuomo passed along some idiotic DHS “chatter” that is obviously meant to deflect from the Biden administration’s cataclysmic failure in Afghanistan. The segment speaks for itself. Roll it.

11 Comments on CNN is Very ‘Concerned’ About Afghanistan — Because of All the Chatter by ‘White Supremacists’

  1. Biden and cabinet have already moved on.

    I doubt it will take CNN more than another news cycle or two to move on as well. Bad for The Big Guy’s polls to keep Americans abandoned behind enemy lines in the news.

  2. I’m so sick of the lib/prog/tard white supremacist bullshit narrative. The democrat communist party is, and always has been, the the party of white supremacists.

    We need to purge the reblicant party of the “go along to get along to increase my net worth”, self-serving scum, and replace them with true patriots who love God more than the state and put service above self as their primary objective.

  3. This “chatter” he refers to is from a single anonymous source.

    That single anonymous source is apparently the biggest threat we face as a country. Given how Afghan was handled, this single anonymous source will soon be armed to the teeth with nukes and F-15s.

  4. Well…. juuuuuust throw all those CNN agendas in the blender and wind up with a Raspberry, Peach, Strawberry, Mango, Watermelon, Banana whutchamacallit that gets you Sex on the Beach with a damn-dumb runner who can’t even tell yew whut sex he is!

  5. Totally irrelevant comment: It’s summer, I am not white I am tan, which is a shade of brown and I am part native American (1/8) so tinged slightly red. However, my pronouns are Grand Poobah. Now get off my lawn.


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