CNN Journo Who Reported ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests’ Gets Emmy Nomination – IOTW Report

CNN Journo Who Reported ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests’ Gets Emmy Nomination

WFB: The CNN journalist best known for reporting from the burning scene of “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” following the justified non-fatal police shooting of armed sexual-assault suspect Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., has been nominated for an Emmy award.

CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez was one of five nominees in the “Outstanding Emerging Journalist” category. A Washington Free Beacon analysis determined that the word “emerging” is a euphemism for “non-white.” Other nominees included Anna Kook of Al Jazeera Plus, the controversial media outlet funded by Qatari oligarchs, and Vice correspondent Paola Ramos, a “Latinx Communications Strategist” who worked on Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign in 2016. more here

13 Comments on CNN Journo Who Reported ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests’ Gets Emmy Nomination

  1. Mostly peaceful niggers,
    True, They are demoncrats and whatever they do is peaceful.
    Shoot, Kill, Burn, Rape, Murder or Destroy the ‘Nigga’ can do anything

  2. A proud Journalist tradition that date badk at leqst 62 years; maybe longer.

    In 64 a vicious, violent America hater led a gang of brutal thugs called “Goons of the Gate”! Mario Savio’s thugs marched with F U C K signs. Which they used to bloody anyone foolhardy enough to say Americans were good people. For those not familiar with Cal and antiAmerican violence the Gate was Sather.
    The Press called this vicious, brutal censorship “Free Speech Movement”; and the brutal beatings were “peaceful protests”? SOUND FAMILiAR?

    BTW – Savio is, and has been for decades a hero to liberals. Many millions of tax$ all over America have been spent building memorials to him. Cal named the steeps up to Sproul Plaza after the thug. I think its “Mario Svio Memorial Steps”; but i have not been in Berkeley in almost 55 years so I am not sure.

    Im very sure the F U C K signs were used to attack folk saying good things about Americans! POSITIVE!

    The press has lied about liberal violence in America at least since 1960. This shows the lies continue. FAKE NEWS was here long before Don!


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