BPR: CNN may have some regrets after asking a “group of expert commentators” about their reaction to the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings with Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford.
While the commentators delivered a predictable narrative on the testimonies of the Supreme Court nominee and the woman accusing him of sexually assaulting her nearly four decades ago, one of the group went rogue.
Citing facts as the basis and not the spectacle that unfolded, CNN legal analyst, Paul Callan, gave a no-nonsense assessment of why he was in favor of the Senate confirming Kavanaugh, while delivering a scathing appraisal of Ford’s testimony and Democrats’ behavior.
“Many Americans will ultimately come away from Thursday’s hearing feeling disgusted not over the character of Judge Brett Kavanaugh but that of those Democratic senators who attempted, on the weakest of evidence, to portray the judge as an attempted rapist,” Callan wrote. “Their strongest documentary evidence appeared to be inscriptions about beer drinking in his high school yearbook.”
Noting that courts of law are where claims of criminal conduct are to be resolved, Callan argued that Ford did not meet the standard for delivering the missing pieces in her story.
“America’s founding fathers wisely designated courts of law as the place where claims of criminal conduct such as sexual assault are resolved. They knew that such serious claims can only be thoroughly investigated and finally resolved by a judge or jury at a fair trial,” Callan wrote. more here
WELL! (Jack Benny), I guess it’s time for CNN to assassinate the character of Mr Callan.
Innocent until proven guilty? What a radical idea.
Opinion derived from facts? Oh NO, don’t even think about it Paul.
He won’t be allowed on again unless he attends re-education class and vows to never, EVER, voice disagreement with the progressive movement.
“Don’t ever take sides against the family.” Don Carlione
Mr. Callan is in deep shit.
He can think. He won’t be back. But it took some balls to say the truth on CNN.
He’ll be treated just like they treated the Evergreen professor. Even though both are progressives (at least the professor), they aren’t 100% prog.
I have to hand it to the Marxist left, they prune the Prog Tree with brutal efficiency.
It’s worth remembering CNN’s moral standards. Their legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin (he’s legal analyst for the New Yorker, too) got a the daughter of fellow legal analyst (Jeff Greenfield) pregnant while he was married (still is) and refused to pay any support until legal proceedings were brought.
Are there any decent people on the left?
What balls. I hope we don’t find out that he’s terminally ill and letting the chips fall where they may.
There are NO decent people on the Left… they are so neck-deep into depravity, immorality and lies that they think everyone does it… and therefore they are behaving ‘normally.’
Gee I would have thought that his mike would have mysteriously krapped out. I alway thought CNN used a delay to keep the truth from slipping out.
The “decent people” on the left could hold a meeting in a telephone kiosk. Ha, ha, remember them?