CNN loses 61% of viewers in March 2023 – IOTW Report

CNN loses 61% of viewers in March 2023

CNN lost 61% of viewers in March 2023, averaging only 425,000 total viewers and 83,000 viewers in the 25-45 demographic, according to reports.

The network lost 73% of its viewers in the 25-54 demographic. 

The Adweek Network reports that the top-rated show at CNN is “Anderson Cooper 360” which averages only 635,000 total viewers.

“The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell” was MSNBC’s most-watched show for the month of March, averaging 1.45 million total viewers.  MORE

14 Comments on CNN loses 61% of viewers in March 2023

  1. ““The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell” was MSNBC’s most-watched show for the month of March, averaging 1.45 million total viewers.”

    Still a LOT of morons, imbeciles, and idiots.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Being lying deceiving scumbags doesn’t seem to be paying off.

    Aaaannnd that’s my point. It isnt intended to pay off in profits. CNN is a well organized, well financed propaganda arm of the Left. Profit has nothing to do with it!


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