CNN Lost Almost 30% of Primetime Audience – IOTW Report

CNN Lost Almost 30% of Primetime Audience


During the week of March 18, the far-left CNN lost almost 30 percent of an audience that is already minuscule.

In the arenas of credibility and viewership, CNN is a dying brand. Over the last week, the news has been especially bad for the far-left outlet.

On the credibility front, CNN chief Jeff Zucker tried to excuse his network’s two-year deliberate deception about Trump colluding with the Russians by admitting on Tuesday that no one at CNN does investigative work.

Like we didn’t already know that.

“We are not investigators,” he told the far-left New York Times. “We are journalists, and our role is to report the facts as we know them, which is exactly what we did.”

All Zucker did there was to confirm what we already knew: CNN acts as stenographers for the establishment, most especially the intelligence community, all of whom share CNN’s left-wing agenda for the country.  The facts are that so-and-so told us this and so-and-so told us that, is not journalism. Journalism requires investigation and the risk of uncovering a truth that might be inconvenient to your own personal beliefs and still reporting that truth.

For years CNN had fooled itself into believing journalism is the act of sitting around in a swanky studio or swanky corner office or an even swankier restaurant with “sources” groomed to tell then they want to hear. And now, in this post-Mueller Report world (and yes, we are now in a whole new political world), CNN has managed to become an even bigger laughingstock than it was last week — and when you look at the ratings, things were already pretty dire for CNN last week.

For the week of March 18, meaning prior to the release of the Mueller Report exonerating Trump from the Russia Collusion Hoax, CNN lost a jaw-dropping 24 percent of its total day viewers and 27 percent of its primetime viewers, when compared to this same week last year.

In the 25-54 age demo, which sets advertiser rates, CNN lost an astonishing 37 percent of today day viewers and 38 percent primetime viewers.  MORE

14 Comments on CNN Lost Almost 30% of Primetime Audience

  1. Will CNN crash through O%? Negative viewership?

    That could be measured by the number of people that switch channels as soon as the CNN logo comes up when they channel surf. These are the people who deliberately don’t watch, not just the people who ignore it or who can’t be bothered.

  2. CNN is owned by WarnerMedia News & Sports, a division of AT&T.

    CNN is merely doing their bidding of the swamp. An interesting window into the media/government/democrat/GOPe complex, isn’t it?

  3. They could lose 90% and still stay on the air because conservatives cable bills subsidize them, so in essence YOUR money subsidizes THEIR ideology. They are laughing all the way to the bank, those cunts

  4. How much more can they stand to lose? Granted they have rabbit-hole Maddow (that sound kinda dirty, but consider) with her Doctor Strange interdimensional theories, but seriously. They’re scraping bottom as it is. Take away the captive audience at airports and hospital lounges, and they’d be on life-support.

  5. Sad to say that here in my area of Canada with few cable options, CNN tends to be the only U.S. news viewers receive. I subscribe to Fox and pay premium because I am an American and despite it’s flaws, it is much better than nothing.

  6. “facts as we know them” or facts as we like the sound of?? Funny that other news outlets seem to report “”facts as they know them””, and then golly gee they actually turn out to be “facts”. What are the odds that CNN seems to be dead on the not-the-facts news almost 97% of the time? Are there that many viewers that prefer to watch bad information on breaking news stories that CNN caters to? Keep drinking the cool aide.

  7. Saw a report somewhere that for every individual CNN viewer, ninety other people (who don’t watch) are paying to subscribe to the channel through cable bundling. And yes, I’m sad to report that I’m one of them until my current contract is over.


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