CNN Misidentifies Random Old Woman as Nancy Reagan – IOTW Report

CNN Misidentifies Random Old Woman as Nancy Reagan

cnn nancy reagan

‘We want to apologize to our viewers’

10 Comments on CNN Misidentifies Random Old Woman as Nancy Reagan

  1. How convenient! Plant a look alike in the audience, misidentify her as Nancy Reagan, and then run the Soros funded ad attacking the front runners by cherry picking Ronald Maximus’ words to undermine what Trump, Cruz and Walker really said regarding illegal immigration. Pure evil genius!

  2. The talking heads at CNN are like those morons Water’s interviews on the street. They wouldn’t know Nancy Reagan from their uncle Bob. Their understanding of historical figures stretches way back to last week — last Saturday, if the person was/is a Republican.

  3. I probably wouldn’t recognize Nancy Reagan if I ran into her in public, either. An easy mistake to make, but I suspect they were trying too hard to spot potential Republican “celebrities”.

  4. MJA: Love your headline!

    “By the way, we want to apologize to our viewers. We thought we saw Nancy Reagan here in the hall. We are now told that was not Nancy Reagan,” Blitzer said. “We’re going to find out what exactly happened, but that’s an apology from all of us here.”

    Find out “what exactly happened”? Hahaha! Pretty obvious, no? A mistake was made. “Apology from all of us here” means it “wasn’t my fault’.

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