CNN Mocks: ‘The Russians Cloaked Wisconsin’ So She Could Not Campaign There – IOTW Report

CNN Mocks: ‘The Russians Cloaked Wisconsin’ So She Could Not Campaign There

Breitbart: Thursday on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” during a panel discussion on Hillary Clinton’s reasons for losing the presidential election to Donald Trump, host John King mocked Clinton.

The Daily Beast’s Jackie Kucinich said, “There is trying to have it both ways—saying ‘I was flawed, it was my fault, but it was also all these other entities’ fault.’ It kind of dilutes any sort of the-buck-stops-here statement that she has. And frankly, it seems like she’s burning bridges in her own party.”

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10 Comments on CNN Mocks: ‘The Russians Cloaked Wisconsin’ So She Could Not Campaign There

  1. This woman chose to get in league with the Devil when she was in college and became a democrat. She has always chosen the dark side. The trouble with colluding with the Devil is that he always ends up double crossing you. She tried fooling Americans to get elected and only ended up looking like the old foolish woman that she is. Thank God for Donald Trump!

  2. If Liberal Puke TV is tired of you it really is time to go.
    I expect Bill will pass away soon, because despite being led around his life by his dick, he has pretty good political instincts, and he probably has been telling her to take a year or two off and let the coals of infamous defeat die down.
    She wants the brass ring she can never have, and it eats at her. I especially enjoy that fact.
    I prefer she dies in prison, but will take her hiding out and stinking up her own house as a consolation prize

  3. Don’t discount the Macedonian Content Farms. They have been fertilizing the Clinton opposition for more than a year. If you doubt this assertion, ask yourself how Senator Bernie Sanders, a socialist/ communist/ democrat side tracked Hillary’s enevitable march to the White House? Obviously, Donald J. Trump and the Russians planted Sanders in order to drive Hillary further to the left, so that Donald J.Trump could capture the middle ground in all those states that the Macedonians knew Hillary would ignore during her run for the presidency. Remember, Hillary’ Clinton isn’t know as the most qualified person to ever run for this office in history for nothing. Macedonian Content Farmers are still manipulating Hillary Clinton. How else do you explain her recent comments?

  4. “… and hear the lamentations of their women …”

    What sweeter sound could there possibly be than the whining of defeat from HRC?

    (outside of the sonic boom from the nuking of Mecca … and Medina …)

    izlamo delenda est …

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