CNN Poll: Approval Of Mueller Probe Is Dropping – IOTW Report

CNN Poll: Approval Of Mueller Probe Is Dropping

DC: A new CNN poll on Friday revealed that approval of the way special counsel Robert Mueller is handling the Russia investigation has hit a low.

According to the survey of 1,012 Americans from June 14 to June 17, only 41 percent still approve of Mueller’s handling of the investigation. That is the lowest approval rating for the probe since CNN began polling in December of 2017. At that time, 47 percent approved of Mueller’s handling.  more here

13 Comments on CNN Poll: Approval Of Mueller Probe Is Dropping

  1. About 33% of the country are confirmed left-wing kooks and so that means that of the remaining 66% Meuler has only 12% approval. So how many of that 12% are so Goddamned confused that they couldn’t look down and tell you if they are afoot or on horseback?

    And to top it off, anyone who believes that CNN didn’t do everything in it’s power to get the result they wanted is hopeless.

  2. A Washington kind of an expensive tail chase. Another prime example of government waste at its finest, as designed and sold by the democrats and fully supported by their trusting, hopeful voters buying into yet another scam. I wonder what the cost per hour for nothing is up to now?

  3. Everyone should thank God every day that the internet came about at the same time the Marxists’ century long plan of taking complete control of the media and entertainment industries, the education system, the legal system, and both major political parties (well all of one and the leadership of the other), came to fruition. Liberty may last longer yet. Hell it may spread. Hopefully to Mexico and Central America soon so we won’t have an illegal immigration problem anymore.

  4. Another thing is that I’d like to see a class action lawsuit filed. The class being all American taxpayers. The defendants being obama, clinton, et al. The amount however many hundreds of Millions that were wasted on this farcical investigation.

  5. I guess more Americans now think a pre-dawn raid at their home, whether by Antifa or Mueller, is unlikely if they register disapproval of Mueller. You could call them “shy Mueller haters”, a subset of “shy Trump voters”.

    What I want to know is why CNN didn’t start polling on this until December 2017, seven months after Mueller started. You’d think they’d want to trumpet Mueller’s 90% approval rating as he first set out to save America. Maybe they felt that a noble man like Mueller couldn’t be sullied by polls. Unless Mueller has always been underwater in their private polls. In which case, I think we’ve seen the last of CNN Mueller polls.


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