CNN poll shows Republicans more heavily favored in mid-terms AFTER SCOTUS leak – IOTW Report

CNN poll shows Republicans more heavily favored in mid-terms AFTER SCOTUS leak

Pacific Pundit

All the left wing media hacks saying the Roe V. Wade leaked SCOTUS decision (if it even holds up) is going to energize communist Democrats for the November elections. Turns out, even CNN can’t hide the truth anymore. Since the leak of the Alito decision, CNN’s own poll finds more Republican enthusiasm for the election in November than before the leak. In fact, Republican enthusiasm has actually gained two points on communist Democrats in this heavily Democrat oversampled poll by CNN. This is fricken hilarious! After the communist left riots over the ruling, these numbers will look close.

2 Comments on CNN poll shows Republicans more heavily favored in mid-terms AFTER SCOTUS leak

  1. And when those riots occur, we need MAGA men and women to leave their red MAGA hats at home and show up with Soviet and Biden/Harris 2024 flags (but I repeat myself). Because it would be a shame for such a grand show to take place and no one know who the sponsors are.

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