CNN Potato gets roasted – IOTW Report

CNN Potato gets roasted

Red State:

It’s pretty hard to pick the worst of the liberal media ‘journalists.’

Even if we narrowed the choice down to just folks from CNN, it’s still a pretty tough fight since there are so many choices.

There’s no doubt that Brian Stelter would have to be right up there. He’s venturing out of his bubble at CNN to push the launch of his book about how President Donald Trump and Fox News are such distorters of the truth without the slightest irony at all about what he has done and what network he is on.

But when he’s out of his bubble and not on his own show with the ability to put off reality, Stelter got hit with a little truth.

Unfiltered people called into his appearance on C-Span’s “Washington Journal” on Thursday and roasted him big time.

Tammy Bruce took notice of it and covered it with Kayleigh McEnany and Karl Rove.

According to Fox, Gordon in Kansas asked Stelter to “admit he and his network are a bunch of liars about Donald Trump.”

Kevin from Indiana called him the “biggest minster of misinformation I have ever heard and I’m a news junkie.” more here

10 Comments on CNN Potato gets roasted

  1. Can’t Stand this guy but Rachel Maddow bugs me even more, claiming that the Military Hospital Ship Will NEVER COME as it is literally docking in the New York Harbour.
    Incredible that she even had one viewer left after that.

    Second was the CNN, Mostly Peaceful BLM burning down buildings. That actually made me laugh.


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