CNN Presidential Debate Moderator Is at the Center of Defamation Suit – IOTW Report

CNN Presidential Debate Moderator Is at the Center of Defamation Suit


On Wednesday, three judges with the First District Court of Appeal for the State of Florida ruled that Plaintiff Zachary Young had sufficiently provided enough evidence to the court that they could proceed with his defamation suit against CNN for punitive damages. The network allegedly, knowingly lied about his security consulting company and their work amid President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Jake Tapper, one of CNN’s presidential debate moderators was one of the journalists at the center of it all.

The defamation suit stemmed from a segment on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper about Young’s company Nemex Enterprises Inc. and the prices they were allegedly charging to get people out of Afghanistan. Tapper led into the segment by painting an image of “black market” hustlers who charged “exorbitant fees” taking advantage of desperate people: more

9 Comments on CNN Presidential Debate Moderator Is at the Center of Defamation Suit

  1. Speaking of the debates, I still don’t think it’s going to happen, but I read a couple days ago the the Criminal News Network is considering muting some of Trumps responses.

  2. Letting CNN moderate the debates is a mistake, in fact letting ANY news organization moderate is a mistake. They like to make the event as much about themselves as the candidates. We need a different venue.

  3. I think Trump will have the opportunity to point out the hypocrisy of the moderators as it happens. Anyone watching will see that the process is unfairly against him.
    Suggested opening statement:
    “America, before we start, I just want to say one thing. During our last debate, Joe Biden looked into the camera and told you that his son’s laptop was a Russian plant, knowing it wasn’t true. He told you that neither he nor his son have ever taken money from China. He told you that he has never taken a dime from any foreign source. He lied to you. Those have all been proven to be lies. Why would you believe anything he says tonight?”


  4. There is no question the Biden administration bungled the Afghanistan evacuation. However, CNN apparently chose to cover for the Biden administration by focusing on people who did offer to evacuate Afghanis for a price, while ignoring the fact that this market existed because of the Biden administration bungling with withdrawal.

    Any private person or institution who engages in getting people out of a region – especially a war torn region – runs an extreme risk of danger or death. And, because they are operating without government sanction, there is no backstop. If they get caught, they are essentially on their own.

    Lesson to CNN: if you are going to cover for the Biden administration, you need to take responsibility for the collateral damage you cause.


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