CNN REALLY Doesn’t Want to Talk About Northam Abortion Controversy – IOTW Report

CNN REALLY Doesn’t Want to Talk About Northam Abortion Controversy

NB: Over the weekend, calls mounted for Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to resign over racist photos that were found in his medical school yearbook. Yet the Democrat’s controversial comments supporting a radical abortion law proposed by his party was swept under the rug by the media. CNN even went out of its way to silence any conservative guests who tried to bring up that story on their network this weekend.

Watch the video mashup below, where on four separate occasions CNN showcased just how adamant they were to not let Northam’s radical abortion stance be brought into the conversation about his resignation.

Whether it was shutting down any talk about it, or even claiming the comments were taken out of context, it’s clear the liberal network didn’t want the left’s radical abortion position to be vilified with Northam.  watch

5 Comments on CNN REALLY Doesn’t Want to Talk About Northam Abortion Controversy

  1. I like how the three panels all had one woman each, and when the word “abortion” comes up, all three women react exactly the same way: shrieking and waving the hands. Complete NPCs.

  2. Nazi: “He was on a radio show talking about–”

    NPC Media Dude: “We played that clip earlier.”

    NPC Media Chick: “Yeah.”

    Nazi: “Stop interrupting me.”

    NPC Media Chick: “I WUZZENT!!!”


  3. CNN and the rest of the leftist talking point spewing MSM really is an open book. Why does this type of behavior surprise anyone?

    The left does not value life, it values power. Little babies left to die on the operating table can’t vote, what good are they?

  4. If you get a chance, check out Crowder’s prank call video. NAACP person supports Northam more for late-term and post-birth abortions now, and less for blackface/KKK 30+ years ago. Do the math when more inner city blacks are aborted than allowed to be born. That’s not exactly advancing colored people. A picture from 30 years ago is somehow harmful to black people today? It’s jaw dropping to hear how these people think.

    NAACP call starts at 6:28, but give the rest of the video a view, it’s comical and sad all wrapped together.


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