CNN Rejects Trump Campaign Ad Highlighting Biden’s Ukraine Scandal – IOTW Report

CNN Rejects Trump Campaign Ad Highlighting Biden’s Ukraine Scandal

Breitbart: CNN has refused to air an advertisement by President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign that highlights former Vice President Joe Biden’s heavily scrutinized dealings with Ukraine, according to the Daily Beast.

The ad hits Biden, a 2020 Democrat candidate, for previously threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid unless Ukraine fired a prosecutor allegedly investigating a gas firm of which Biden’s son Hunter was a board member. The 30-second clip, titled “Biden Corruption,” is running on several national cable networks and online. To run the ad, the president’s 2020 campaign spent $8 million, while the Republican National Committee (RNC) chipped in $2 million. more

15 Comments on CNN Rejects Trump Campaign Ad Highlighting Biden’s Ukraine Scandal

  1. Doesn’t their LICENSE to broadcast REQUIRE they air campaign ads, whether they agree politically or not?
    Hello FCC, WTF?

    BTW, the ad is good. Clear and to the point.

  2. Anonymous

    No not any more, All 3 LSM refused some of Don’s ads in ’16. but in so doing they clearly showed their hate for Americans.

    Many thought they were merely biased before ’16; it is clear now they hate Americans. they are bigots!

  3. Now that CNN has set a precedent against showing Trumps ads (I saw it and it’s devastating) I wouldn’t be surprised to see even more of their viewers leave if only to watch the “controverial” ones on other channels. Just how much rope has WarnerMedia (owned by AT&T) given Jeff Zuckor in that their viewership has dropped under his steering. At some point they’ll have to give away their ad time.

  4. Cable is a monopoly regulated mostly by state and local government, franchisees who indirectly can be “persuaded” by the federal government. Government regulation and privileged access via cable lines and eminent domain all are involved, although it’s an indirect and complex system.

    Airports are also mostly owned and regulated by local and state governments, with some federal input. CNN pays them to air CNN exclusively.

    One of the drawbacks of ill-thought-through “public-private partnerships.”


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