CNN Reporter Asks Chuckie About ‘Jail-Like Facilities Not Meant For Children’ at Border – IOTW Report

CNN Reporter Asks Chuckie About ‘Jail-Like Facilities Not Meant For Children’ at Border

Conservative Brief:

The Biden administration’s border crisis has gotten so bad that even CNN is calling them out for it.

During a White House briefing, CNN’s Kaitlan Collins grilled Press Secretary Jen Psaki about the crisis Biden’s administration has created along the country’s southern border.

“One last question on the border: The administration has refused to call it a ‘crisis,’ instead of referring to it as a ‘challenge’ and saying what you call it doesn’t make a difference of how you’re responding to it,” Collins said.

“Now, today there are over 3,700 children, unaccompanied migrant children, in border patrol custody. They’re spending on average over 100 hours, four days in these facilities that are jail-like facilities not meant for children, so how can you say that’s not a crisis?” Collins asked.

Psaki was stunned, obviously.


10 Comments on CNN Reporter Asks Chuckie About ‘Jail-Like Facilities Not Meant For Children’ at Border

  1. …every Democrat household and public school and even public LIBRARY is “Not Meant For Children” at this point because of the perverted Democrat pedophiles and mutilators that have taken over, and any “children’s hospital” with a “gender transition” wing us ESPECIALLY “Not Meant For Children”, so it’s pretty hard for me to get worked up about how they warehouse children that were sent to certain abuse by their parents just so they could get chain migrated out of THEIR shithole and make MY country as bad as THEIRS…

    …we’ve got bigger problems and can’t take care of our OWN. walk em back over to Juarez and let Mexico figure it out instead…

  2. “Psaki was stunned, obviously.”

    Of course she was. No one was supposed to ask a real question on camera. But from what I’ve seen of her, I’m thinking “stunned” is a common state of mind for Psaki.

  3. When you consider “progressives,” never underestimate their capacity for malicious behavior. I used to thing: Surely they would not treat their own children that way. How wrong I was. They think it is a joke.

  4. As long as Americans keep accepting the democrats BS stories they’ll keep feeding BS out to all listeners and believers. I thought CNN reporters were sworn democrat echos.


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