CNN Reporter: CIA ‘Operates in Their Own World,’ You Don’t Investigate Them – IOTW Report

CNN Reporter: CIA ‘Operates in Their Own World,’ You Don’t Investigate Them



Breitbart: Appearing Wednesday on CNN Tonight with host Don Lemon, network reporter Shimon Prokupecz expressed concerned over a report stating the Department of Justice seeks to interview senior CIA officials as part of Attorney General William Barr’s review of the origins of the FBI investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

DON LEMON: You know this New York Times report mentioned that the Justice Department is now questioning CIA officers as they review this Russia investigation, which is?

SHIMON PROKUPECZ: It’s troubling because it’s not — you don’t do this. The CIA kind of operates in their own world. And for the Department of Justice to start begin questioning CIA agents, people who work there, questioning their work. You know for me I think what all this comes down to is former CIA director, John Brennan. I know the president obviously has been very unhappy with the way John Brennan has behaved since he left office. I think it goes back to that.  see more

18 Comments on CNN Reporter: CIA ‘Operates in Their Own World,’ You Don’t Investigate Them

  1. If the CIA did something that leftists didn’t like then CNN and the NYT would be doing all kinds of investigative “journalism.”

    But as long as the CIA is going after Trump then CNN says it should be hands off.

  2. “They couldn’t verify a lot of the information. And the CIA, certainly John Brennan, was sounding a lot of alarms to Congress saying something’s going on here. I know he was talking to people at the FBI at the time concerned something was going on.”

    I think Shimon is operating in his own world, too.

  3. Remember when Senator Church practically destroyed the CIA?
    Remember when the CIA was prevented from speaking to the FBI?
    Now, with Trump, they seem to be asshole buddies again. WTF?
    My opinion, John Brennan should never have been in the CIA, let alone the Director. A Carter/ Obama job. Listen to Brennan.
    “John Brennan speaks on National Security at NYU.” Google it.

  4. Well, given his hero obama corrupted the agency and had a lot of fun destroying our way of life and our trust in government, and its still populated by the kind of shits obama hung around with, why should the CIA be investigated?

  5. Back in the ’70s & early ’80s, the CIA was the left’s Big Boogey Man. Today, having infiltrated it and populated it with fellow travelers, the left lurves them some CIA because they can use it against conservatives while now praising it’s status as above-the-law.


    close, but no cigar.
    what HST did was rename OSS CIA. If you go to one of the CIA’s web pages one of the men prominently featured is “Wild Bill”. Bill ran the OSS for FDR and among other things ordered the “Pattoning” of a kid from SoCal G. Patton Gen.

    As Bill (not wild) said 500 years ago “A rose by ….

  7. If memory serves, the CIA was created by Trumans’
    presidential order. That means it can be disbanded
    by another presidential order. If it is that out
    of control……..

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