CNN Reporter Cry-Tweets – IOTW Report

CNN Reporter Cry-Tweets


Teacher did not call on Jim Acosta of CNN today. So he threw a Twitter Tantrum.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha (wipes tears from eyes) hahahahaha.


10 Comments on CNN Reporter Cry-Tweets

  1. Wait til Trump revokes CNN’s press credentials entirely, and excludes them from all future travel. And no appearances. Total boycott.

    They’ll look back on “not being called on” as The Good Old Days.

  2. I read the full transcript of the press briefing and was surprised (ok, not really) how subdued the questions are when the cameras aren’t rolling. There is no point in holding a press briefing for a room full of less-than-average-intelligence people whose only goal is to play gotcha and puff and preen for people who just want the WH and gov’t news of the day.

  3. Getting a little tuff to find words to twist and contort is it? You expect that you’re going to be spoon fed ground balls to twist? Your high priest is gone, you don’t count for shit anymore asshole.

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