CNN Reports Dominion Voting Software Has Flaws That Can Be Exploited – IOTW Report

CNN Reports Dominion Voting Software Has Flaws That Can Be Exploited

CNN reported:

Federal cybersecurity officials have verified there are software vulnerabilities in certain ballot-marking devices made by Dominion Voting Systems, discovered during a controversial Georgia court case, which could in theory allow a malicious actor to tamper with the devices, according to a draft analysis reviewed by CNN.


9 Comments on CNN Reports Dominion Voting Software Has Flaws That Can Be Exploited

  1. Didn’t read the story, but hmmmm, could it be that when republicans are expected to sweep the midterms, all of the sudden democrats are concerned about voter integrity?

  2. They must really expect the democrats to get their asses kicked to start laying a foundation like this. They’re gonna tell the truth because the normal systems of cheating won’t be enough. So, when the democrats get slaughtered, they’ll claim it was all due to the dirty voting machines.

  3. First of the voting machines are just fine, your candidate is what was dirty. Jethro Bodine says if just learn some cipherin’ you could re-count votes properly. Of course we know thats not gonna happen, your destined to stay in the backwoods forever.


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