CNN Says White House Will Revoke Acosta’s Press Pass Again at End of Month – IOTW Report

CNN Says White House Will Revoke Acosta’s Press Pass Again at End of Month


The White House Press Office has told CNN it intends to once again revoke Jim Acosta’s press credentials at the end of the month, the latest in a saga that went from a press conference to the court room and back again.

“After CNN won a temporary restraining order on Friday, forcing the White House to restore his press pass for 14 days, White House officials sent Acosta a letter stating that his pass is set to be suspended again once the restraining order expires,” CNN’s Brian Stetler reported late Sunday.  read more

22 Comments on CNN Says White House Will Revoke Acosta’s Press Pass Again at End of Month

  1. Trump should have the entire press corp. herded into a room with a dozen Marine Drill Instructors as proctors and have them take the US Citizenship test required of new citizens. No phones, no computers nothing. If they pass they get credentials if not they don’t, ever. No warning of the date of the test.

  2. The WH cannot count on the press to accurately report the news or what the WH says, so public televised press conferences (in addition to speeches) are the only way to circumvent the problem.

    Best solution is first to revoke all hard passes, to be reinstated only upon the signing of a document that the holder of the pass “understands and agrees” that the pass being given to him grants no license or privilege and may be summarily revoked temporarily or permanently at any time without notice for any reason or no reason at all in the sole and absolute discretion of the president or his duly authoized agent. (No other “rules” — that only opens the door to argument and litigation.)

  3. “If President Trump is Acostad, Acosta gets whacked.”

    …I’d be with you if the “whacking” were being done by someone named Vinnie instead of someone named Tonya, @ judgeroybean, it’s a bit more permanent that way…

  4. I like everybody’s acts of ‘revenge’ towards CNN and Acosta. Some are quite imaginative.

    However, this has nothing to do with ‘due process’ and to succumb to the ruling by a judge just sets precedent….even if temporary. I know, I know….optics, compromise and all that.

    We claim to be a nation of laws. Well…this ruling has nothing to do with the law, but with emotion. It should have been tossed as a frivilous law suit.

    If I were to have parties at my house on a regular basis, and the only way to get in was with a pass for the regulars…and some asshole kept showing up hogging the punch bowl and shouting disparaging remarks towards the host….he would be removed with extreme prejudice.

    He could still drink punch and yell while out on the street corner…just not in the house.

    I don’t like the current solution at all.

  5. …I still don’t see the 5th Amendment grounds. In what universe is a White Hose Press Pass someone’s personal property which REQUIRES due process? If it belongs to ANYONE, it belongs to the people of the United States, and we elected a guy to determine how that properly is used, and the guy we elected is NOT some judge or some journalist…

  6. “Promote democracy. If a reporter acts up, let the rest of the reporters vote whether the bad actor leaves, or the press conference ends.”

    …if you ever saw the program “Weakest Link”, @manbearpig, you’d know that all the WEAK ones vote the GOOD ones off FIRST, before they turn on each OTHER, which would make Acosta one of the LAST to go…

  7. This to me is a bad move. It heaps even more attention on a grandstanding buffoon who craves attention. Yes, I’m referring to Acosta. I hope Trump et al have some sort of end game in mind with all this, but I don’t see it.

  8. Anybody seen the full text of the letter sent to Acosta? I’m sorry, but it’s CNN–and Stelter–we’re talking about here. I’m going to need to see the letter. Unredacted. Must be some other legal stuff in that letter which they don’t want to publicize, because it is bad for them, and /or they took something out of context. Maybe the WH will share it soon.

  9. Let’s see now…continual low humidity (“dry air”), high winds… can any body say “static electricity”?. What a moron. People like that should keep their mouths shut when it comes to science, especially climate science.

    I bet he does not even know that CO2 is heavier than air. So, if you want to scare people of increasingly higher CO2 levels, take all your measurements at, or near sea level.

  10. Amazing how the MSM can get a filing and a hearing and a ruling within 72 hours, yet everybody knows 25/35/45 speed traps take 6 to 8 weeks for notifications, proper process and handling fee requirements.


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