CNN Sets Trap for Virginia’s New Lt. Gov by Asking If She’s Been Vaccinated – IOTW Report

CNN Sets Trap for Virginia’s New Lt. Gov by Asking If She’s Been Vaccinated

Her Answer is Straight Fire

15 Comments on CNN Sets Trap for Virginia’s New Lt. Gov by Asking If She’s Been Vaccinated

  1. Winsome Sears answered the question properly, clearly and completely. And she was civilized about it.

    I would have told the blond CNN bitch: “None of your fucking business!” And it would have gone downhill from there as I ripped her head off and shoved it up her ass.

  2. CNN employees and others of suspect media were advised by members of the democrat-rino party to not accept the toxic vax. Wouldn’t do if their communist propaganda machines all keeled over.

  3. Gotta love the people from Jamaica. Some of the most honest people I have ever met, good or bad. They are either work-a-holics with 4 jobs or straight up murdering gangsters.

  4. Thankfully, birth control is not like this ‘vaccine’. Image if a BC product was paid for the gov’t, that didn’t stop you from becoming pregnant, just assured you would would only get a little bit pregnant.

  5. Things fucktarded democrats can’t grasp:

    1. I can decide to be vaccinated myself without being obliged to *demand* everyone else be vaccinated against their will.

    2. Things that are literally legal aren’t illegal just because you feel they should be illegal.

    3. Things are literally illegal aren’t legal just because you feel they should be legal.

    4. The exact same action is either legal for all or illegal for all, regardless of whether you agree or not with the actor’s politics.

    5. Black people have the right to think for themselves if they choose to. You don’t own their thoughts.

  6. “2. Things that are literally legal aren’t illegal just because you feel they should be illegal.”

    This is way too common, even a lot people the right makes erroneous assumptions that scare me.

    It has always been legal to open carry a long gun in public in Texas.

    Over 95% of the people in Texas did not operate under this truth for many decades. They always need reminding, which means an “open carry walk” – just for the sake of it – is very instructional for the uninformed.

    Because so many people naturally assume something is illegal is exactly the reason to exercise that right.

    I remember asking my Dad if it was OK to carry a rifle, in full view without a case, into a store for any legit reason like repair or trade and he said “Yes”. I was baffled. I thought you had to hide it from view for some reason.

    I learned about Texas law and open carry of long guns at 8 years old that day.

    BTW, He bought a .22 LR bolt action rifle from Montgomery Wards for $13 when he was 13. Perfectly legal purchase.

    He gave it to me when I was 12. I still have that rifle. It has Montgomery Wards stamped into the barrel. I truly don’t know how many rifles out there would have that on it.


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