CNN Slammed For Fawning Over Sister Of North Korean Dictator – IOTW Report

CNN Slammed For Fawning Over Sister Of North Korean Dictator

Daily Caller: CNN sparked a backlash on Saturday after running an article fawning over the sister of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

CNN featured the article, titled, “Kim Jong Un’s sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics,” prominently on their front page and dubbed Kim Yo Jong — a high-ranking official in the murderous regime — “North Korea’s Ivanka Trump.”

“If ‘diplomatic dance’ were an event at the Winter Olympics, Kim Jong Un’s younger sister would be favored to win gold,” the article read. “With a smile, a handshake and a warm message in South Korea’s presidential guest book, Kim Yo Jong has struck a chord with the public just one day into the PyeongChang Games.”

The article provoked a fierce and immediate backlash online.  READ MORE

10 Comments on CNN Slammed For Fawning Over Sister Of North Korean Dictator

  1. I’ve been working on a House fixing water damage from Irma…

    Friday the homeowner had cnn in on all Day…

    In between Trump Bashing…They had an interview with the

    Dude that kidnapped Patty Hearst….and I’m not sure

    But I think they were praising Him for His Bravery to

    do an interview…Then they went back to bashing Trump


  2. Mercifully neither CNN or NBC ever cross my vision. Local NBC affiliate for weather and local news is the only thing I watch and I only blister them with an email every now and then.

  3. @VV “Ask any GI who was stationed there.”
    I had the great fortune to work with a Korean War vet who loved to tell stories.

    In addition to thefts of all manner, there was one story that stuck in my head above others. It was about a KN who was measuring the camp…with a stick.

    I’ll let the capable minds of iOTWR conjure up the rest, but I’ll bet it’s a story you aren’t unfamiliar with.

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