CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings – IOTW Report

CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings



CNN has fallen to #13 in cable TV rankings, according to weekly numbers posted on Thursday by TV Newser.

The ratings slide comes as the network has come under heavy scrutiny for a variety of journalistic missteps, including the retraction of an article alleging that a Trump associate had illicit Russian business ties.  MORE HERE

15 Comments on CNN Slides To #13 In Cable Rankings

  1. IMHO, One America News is the only TV site worth watching. There are a LOT of good sites online, but as the late, great RR said, Trust but Verify. Oh, I’m sorry…Communist/democrats keep saying that omama is the one that coined that phrase. I’m so forgetful.

  2. I’m interested in whether those airports even count toward the ratings. From what I could find the Turner Group (owned by Time-Warner who is owned by AT&T) has a separate division for CNN Airport. It wouldn’t make any sense to try to include some sort of wild estimate as how many were watching at any given time period at those locations and the advertisers sure wouldn’t want them included at sweeps weeks.

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