CNN Stacks ‘Democratic Voters’ Panel With Political Activists, Former Congressional Candidate – IOTW Report

CNN Stacks ‘Democratic Voters’ Panel With Political Activists, Former Congressional Candidate

Breitbart: CNN aired two panels this week, purporting to show the thoughts of “Democratic voters” throughout the country. However, a Breitbart News investigation indicates that three of the panel members also have a past of political activism far beyond your average voter.

In on air segments that made the rounds online this week, the panel, introduced alternatively as “Hillary Clinton voters” or as “Democratic voters,” expressed their opinions about the current state of the Democratic Party.

One moment that CNN highlighted was that the group flatly rejected Joe Biden as a 2020 candidate.

One panel member, Michael Milisits, said that it was time for Democrats to “think outside the box” and not nominate a centrist candidate.

Milisits also praised Ocasio-Cortez for making the Democratic Party “nervous” and said that she represents the “new guard.”

Unbeknownst to the viewers of this clip, Milisits is not just a “voter,” but is himself a politician. He ran for Congress in the Democratic primary in Ohio as a strong Bernie Sanders supporter.

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7 Comments on CNN Stacks ‘Democratic Voters’ Panel With Political Activists, Former Congressional Candidate

  1. I saw that story on Fox yesterday. CNN had a group of 6 people on for that segment. SIX. I’m not sure what the industry standard is, but SIX? I’ve seen things like that on Fox that had 50-100 people in the audience being polled.

    Talk about a small sample size. Do they pay people to be in these groups, and can CNN only afford to pay SIX of them? Or could they only find SIX people that were willing to be seen on that POS network?

  2. Just imagine if President Trump had not revealed Fake News to the world?
    Imagine how deeply they would’ve buried any President that wasn’t Trump.
    How long will this nonsense continue?

  3. The more the Democrats try to make themselves the mainstream of political thought the more likely they are to get Trump reelected by showing themselves for what they are before the election takes place.

    And they, at least their higher leaders, seem to be realizing this, they may be idiots but they’re not stupid.

    Which means they are going to desperately try anything and everything to make the public turn against Trump so they can remove him from office before the vote takes place, something they are obviously engaged in now. Their efforts at this will likely backfire on them, just as almost everything they’ve done so far has.

  4. People who seek truth by unraveling the matrix are evolving while those entrapped in the matrix are devolving. This dynamic is speeding up. I know with myself I am now instantly seeing through liars and all types of lies. I’m assuming it is the same with others like the good readers of IOTW.


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