CNN Staffers Called Ex-Navy Vet Suing For Defamation An ‘A**hole,’ Said They Were ‘Going To Nail’ Him, Lawsuit Alleges – IOTW Report

CNN Staffers Called Ex-Navy Vet Suing For Defamation An ‘A**hole,’ Said They Were ‘Going To Nail’ Him, Lawsuit Alleges

Daily Caller

CNN staffers allegedly called a Navy veteran who is suing the network for defamation an “asshole” and “shitbag,” according to a lawsuit filed June 12 in Florida.

Zachary Young, who helped evacuate Afghan citizens following the U.S. withdrawal, sued CNN over a Nov. 11, 2021, segment airing on “The Lead with Jake Tapper.” The segment covered Afghans attempting to flee Afghanistan through private evacuation operators like Young, according to the lawsuit. Young alleged the network falsely branded him as an “illegal profiteer” and as a member of a “black market” that exploited “desperate Afghans” by charging “exorbitant” fees the citizens could not afford.

He said the reporting particularly harmed him since he allegedly was the only private evacuator profiled, according to the suit. more

6 Comments on CNN Staffers Called Ex-Navy Vet Suing For Defamation An ‘A**hole,’ Said They Were ‘Going To Nail’ Him, Lawsuit Alleges

  1. Trump wasn’t aware of the conditions CNN set when he agreed to debate in that 3 on 1 cage match.I have faith that he’ll hold his own against the demented puke who put America’s business aside for an entire week to huddle with 16 advisors for a 90 minute debate.He has to be prepared for those braying jackasses that will try to trip him up at every turn.

  2. So – CNN calls someone evacuating Afghan citizens who most likely assisted our troops and “illegal profiteer” while calling the cartels promoting the invasion of our country “facilitators of freedom”. Right.

  3. My guess is that the majority of people watching CNN are conservatives who are monitoring what they say. Fewer and fewer people use it as a news source.
    I don’t know how deep their owner’s pockets are – WaPo is cutting employees and they’re owned by a gazillionaire.

  4. All the ammo that patriots across the country have piled up will not be enough to purge this country back to health if we indeed are pushed to the Big Boogaloo.
    I know I harbor red hot anger for so many traitors to the good people of this nation. And America’s oversized influence on the world means that our traitors have also hurt non-Americans proportionately.


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