CNN tells viewers to ignore Susan Rice bombshell – IOTW Report

CNN tells viewers to ignore Susan Rice bombshell



Since news broke Monday that the Obama Administration’s National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, directed the “unmasking” of NSA intercepts of Trump associates, CNN has raced to shoot down the blockbuster report.

CNN Tonight’s Don Lemon went so far as to announce he would ignore the news at all costs.

While interviewing a Democratic congressman, CNN’s Chris Cuomo claimed it was “demonstrably untrue” Rice sought surveillance of the Trump team, even as that’s exactly what yesterday’s reports prove.

Over the last 24 hours, the network has also repeatedly called on its chief national security correspondent — who was also a political appointee in the Obama White House — Jim Sciutto, to dismiss the reports as a non-story; Sciutto has even excused Rice claiming ignorance of the unmasking scandal two weeks ago, arguing Rice “wasn’t aware” what unmasking Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) was referring to.

And on Tuesday’s “New Day,” anchor Alisyn Camerota openly pleaded with Sen. John McCain to write-off the news as unimportant.

Last night, Lemon began “CNN Tonight” with an announcement that the Rice report a “fake scandal ginned up by right-wing media and Trump” that he would not be baited into justifying with coverage.

“On this program tonight, we will not insult your intelligence by pretending,” it’s legitimate, he said. “Nor will we aid and abet the people trying to misinform you, the American people, by creating a diversion. Not going to do it.”


17 Comments on CNN tells viewers to ignore Susan Rice bombshell

  1. CNN acknowledges that their remaining viewers truly are that stupid. As a fireworks factory explodes painting the night sky in brilliant colors the feckless CNN team proclaims “nothing to see here folks, move along”.

  2. “Embrace the suck.”

    Nothing says “Look at this!” like “Don’t look at this!”. Negative advertising doesn’t work. It causes the opposite to happen.

    What a bunch of dumb fucks.

  3. CNN was reporting that a close associate of Rice says she didn’t do any unmasking at about the same time that Rice herself says she did. Well, that’s inconvenient. CNN is desperately trying to destroy any last vestige of credibility it ever had. Which isn’t hard to do with Don Lemon in the lineup.

  4. CNN is sailing pretty close to the reefs at this time. If they reach the tipping point and whatever loyal viewers they have decide that CNN is in the tank then viewership drops badly, they lose the coveted airport gate seating slots (that’s a lot of captive viewers) and Jeff Zucker gets fired again. At some point there will be an execudroid at Time-Warner that may decide to either sell CNN (and it’s associated assets) or turn it back to what it was way back when Ted Turner started the place and that is an actual news network without a political agenda. It would actually challenge the other cable news channels but it would take a few years to rebuild the trust.

  5. CNN continues to commit Leftist suicide.

    I don’t even turn to them for plane crashes and earthquakes anymore.

    Eventually there will be a scandal revealing their reported viewership is inflated and fake. Ad rates will plummet. I suspect their income/ethnic demographics are much narrower than reported. Their real demo is probably closer to MSNBC’s.

    Don Lemon? If Obama had a son…

  6. “Nor will we aid and abet the people trying to misinform you, the American people, by creating a diversion. Not going to do it.”

    Yet they’ve been doing this for the Democrats for who knows how long now? The more they open their mouths, the more the American people realize what they really are: Fake news.

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