CNN to be Slapped with MASSIVE Lawsuit by Covington Student – IOTW Report

CNN to be Slapped with MASSIVE Lawsuit by Covington Student

Dan Bongino : A student wrongly accused by many in the media of racist and bigoted behavior during January’s March for Life in Washington, D.C. is hitting CNN with a massive lawsuit.

Alleging “vicious” and “dire” attacks by the network, Kentucky Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann will sue CNN for $250 million, according to his attorney, L. Lin Wood.

Speaking with Fox News host Mark Levin, Wood said “CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. And CNN goes into millions of individuals’ homes,”

“They really went after Nicholas with the idea that he was part of a mob that was attacking the Black Hebrew Israelites, yelling racist slurs at the Black Hebrew Israelites. Totally false,” he said.

“Now you say you’ve seen the tape; if you took the time to look at the full context of what happened that day, Nicholas Sandmann did absolutely nothing wrong. He was, as I’ve said to others, he was the only adult in the room,” he continued.

Wood said CNN simply couldn’t resist attacking a “young boy” with a Make America Great Again hat.

“But you have a situation where CNN couldn’t resist the idea that here’s a guy with a young boy, that Make America Great Again cap on,” he said. “So they go after him.”

Wood continued: “The CNN folks were online on Twitter at 7 a.m retweeting the little one-minute propaganda piece that had been put out. … They’re out there right away going after this young boy. And they maintain it for at least two days. Why didn’t they stop and just take an hour and look through the Internet and find the truth and then report it? Maybe do that before you report the lies.”

The lawsuit, according to Wood, will be filed Monday or Tuesday the latest.  more

15 Comments on CNN to be Slapped with MASSIVE Lawsuit by Covington Student

  1. Hope they get the monetary reward but in addition CNN should have to do a fifteen minute apology segment every hour for a minimum of one week just as they did with their original report victimizing young Mr Sandmann.

  2. I hope he doesn’t stop and picks up a few papers as well. I wonder if PBS Newshour put the boot in as well? In any event he needs an honest judge and jury. I believe if he gets that he gets the wins.

  3. “Nick Sandmann”…a name which shall nevermore be spoken by any CNN NPC talking head. I think there are going to be a lot of settlements out of court which shall never be mentioned anywhere by any NPC talking head.

  4. Whatever the judgment, its just a cost of doing crony-communiat business. Remember, the prize is the entire US. After the 8 horrific, treasonous years of obama, the next leftist president has been set up to seal the deal.

  5. The burden of proof for Nicholas will be less because he was not a public figure. Even so, it shouldn’t be that hard to prove malice – CNN and other media outlets went after him only because he wore a MAGA hat. I agree that CNN could pay any judgment, but the hit to what’s left of its reputation would be massive.

    And Nicholas Sandmann should have enough cash to buy a MAGA hat factory.

  6. It worked for Richard Jewell, it worked for George Zimmerman, I hope it works for Nicholas Sandmann as well.

    Maybe even much better, just to make them start paying attention to what they are reporting and how they are reporting it.

  7. To the deep pockets supporting CNN, this is simply a minor expense in the cost of doing business. A settlement out of court with a gag order is what I expect.


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