CNN tweet says CDC is ‘giving limited freedoms’ to fully vaccinated people – IOTW Report

CNN tweet says CDC is ‘giving limited freedoms’ to fully vaccinated people

— and a blistering backlash follows.

The DNCCP Coronavirus / MJA

h/t NAAC

12 Comments on CNN tweet says CDC is ‘giving limited freedoms’ to fully vaccinated people

  1. AnonTrooper
    MARCH 11, 2021 AT 6:56 AM
    “I have full freedom and my sidearm guarantees that I do.”

    …so, you can shoot your way onto a plane, or into a grocery store, or into the quene at the DMV if they make it a law youust be vaccinated to go to these places and enforce it?

    And then go home in peace?

    Seems kind of unlikely.

    …see, the whole 2A thing only holds up if you have a critical mass of similarly aggrieved countrymen rise up at the same time and supplant the tyrannical government with their own. It doesn’t work one-on-one or man-to-man, they have too much organization against you for that.

    They’ve shut down your ability to communicate- strategically, tactically, usefully – on the Internet and by any electronic means since they gather your phone calls and text messages and emails too, so you can’t plan there…

    …and under cover of FakeFlu they’ve given themselves a framework to control and monitor churches and taverns and all public meeting places, so you can’t plan there…

    …and they’re WELL on the way to making disagreeing with the government AT ALL a crime, which is why they still allow us THIS much. Sure, we can cut up like kids in detention on this blog, puff up into ITG status and type Molon Labe to each other, but they have people in here reading this too, some who try to GET you to say criminal things, but all so they can keep tabs on us, see if anyone REALLY tries to start something, and collect data for…later…

    …also, sure, they let us have guns.

    For now.

    But what happens if you USE them?

    Shoot one in your own yard in most cities, if you want to see how many cops your city and the neighboring cities have. Because they’ll ALL be over to arrest you, take your freedom AND your gun.

    And that’s just for PLINKING.

    …now look at what happens if you ACTUALLY have to shoot a scumbag threat. Sure, we all know about Kyle Rittenhouse, but look deeper in the paper or online and you’ll find stories of people who shot a perp in their own home who broke in and threatened their family, who got arrested and their guns confiscated because they didn’t live in a Castle Doctrine state and “had a duty to retreat”, or some Democrat prosecutor thinks they might have shot the perp in the back, or it’s just an abusive prosecution by a gun hating DA because he has unlimited government resources behind him and NO consequences even if it’s found to be baseless.

    Meanwhile, you’re arrested, put in jail indefinitely, all your guns taken, the local media gleefully reports your address, that you are gone, the police took everything, and your family is officially undefeded. You lose your job and probably your house because you have to spend yourself into bankruptcy to defend against TEAMS of Government lawyers who can break you for even a meritless case by simply asking a liberal judge for a continuance every time your case comes up, so back to jail you go until months later, but you had to pay your lawyer to show up because it’s not like they TELL you they’re going to do that, they WANT to make you spend yourself into oblivion.

    …so sure, you have a sidearm.

    But under no circumstances can you USE it.

    Because you’ll be alone.

    …they WANT us to rise up one by one.

    Because it’s MUCH easier to pick us off that way…

  2. Heretic MARCH 11, 2021 AT 8:20 AM
    “I think we can all agree that shooting a gun inside the city limits is a bad idea.”

    …kind of depends on the city, and the property size and shape you’re shooting on. I live in a city big enough to have horse ranches, and varmints like coyotes, but not big enough to legally fire a gun anywhere in it. No, I’m not saying go out into the courtyard of your multi-unit dwelling and start popping at targets set up over towards the unit across the way, but if you have the land, appropriate backstopping, and aren’t firing in the direction of human habitations, schoolchildren getting off the bus, roadways, or at steel targets, what’s the big if you shoot a coyote or two when it’s at your chickens…

    …besides, last time I looked, most criminals don’t seem to have any restrictions shooting inside the city limits. Ask Portland and Seattle and St. Louis in particular how THAT works. If THEY don’t have restrictions, why should I?


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