CNN viewership plummeted after Trump left office – IOTW Report

CNN viewership plummeted after Trump left office


CNN’s viewership has tanked since President Donald Trump left office — with new data showing the liberal network lost nearly half of its prime-time audience in a key demographic since January.

An average of 2.5 million primetime viewers tuned in to CNN from Nov. 4 — the day after the presidential election — through Inauguration Day on Jan. 20, Fox News reported.

But the network has only averaged 1.6 million primetime viewers from Jan. 21 through March 15 — once President Biden took office. read more

10 Comments on CNN viewership plummeted after Trump left office

  1. CNN doesn’t have Donald Trump to kick around anymore.

    They wanted him out, now they got it.

    But they never realized that the TV viewing pubic – er, I mean, “public”, -thrives on controversy and bile.

    Talk about shooting yourself in the foot…

  2. Bobcat heads up, hubby, myself and our girls and I are spring breaking down here in Key West right now. Mayor of Key West has mandated masks despite the rest of the state being open. Security came after my hubby at our condo for not wearing a mask, hostesses at restaurants refusing to seat you, the mangina at Publix deli called the manager over in hysterics because we were not masked up. That manager was the one that gave us the heads up that even though the state is open, local mandates are not only still in place but doubled down.

    Oh and the traffic coming down was beyond ridiculous. Unless you’re flying, I recommend the ferry.

  3. Hoo Nay

    I live here…But up the Keys in Little Torch…KW is run by a Nightmayor of a

    bitch named Teri Johnson…I Work in KW every Day..I only wear the Mask in

    Home Depot…Nose exposed.

    I’ve been here 25 plus years…and this is the worst traffic I have ever seen.

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