‘CNNBlackMail’ #1 Twitter Trend As Network Threatens to Reveal Reddit User’s Identity – IOTW Report

‘CNNBlackMail’ #1 Twitter Trend As Network Threatens to Reveal Reddit User’s Identity

And the Breitbart article just happens to have a collection of anti-CNN memes.

I like this one:

Go pick out your favorites, here

23 Comments on ‘CNNBlackMail’ #1 Twitter Trend As Network Threatens to Reveal Reddit User’s Identity

  1. Agreed. He/she must have had a knife to throat or gun to his childs head. How desperate can one be to stay on reddit? It must be pathetic to make comments that voluntarily that sound like a POW type propaganda statement unless their captors were holding a gun to their head or their infant childs head off camera…

  2. Screw that little pants pisser. The atmosphere is so rich with material it’s almost too unfair, but thats the best time to grind their noses in it. These idiots are coming completely unglued and they don’t have a clue what to do about it. Trump is brilliant at jerking their chains. Sure, the man is completely unconventional, but he’s what was needed.

  3. It’ll turn out to be one of their own that did the meme. Just for the ratings and to play victim at the same time. But the blow back is going to be Yuuuuuugge, believe me! Fake news network. I hope don lemon has learned his lesson. He must be peeing himself by now. 🤓

  4. I’d be careful using CNN’s shriveled penis logo when hitting back. Dealing with a mob of leftists at your door might be preferable to dealing with a mob of corporate lawyers.

  5. So CNN tracked down the guy and threatened him (bullied him) into apologizing or they would make his name public and that they would be watching him. If he posts anything they don’t like, they will expose him. Oh America, how I love you.

  6. What CNN is doing now is all perfectly legal and socially acceptable in the EU. If Hillary had won, it would be the same here, too. A red line has been crossed.

  7. They were proud to announce they found the culprit who made the video, forced him to apologize, and then- self-righteously announce they will out/dox him if he does it again.
    This is not Freedom of the Press, this is criminal behavior and a certain blackmailing of a private citizen.

  8. ‘CNN is not publishing “HanA**holeSolo’s” name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

    CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.’ -CNN

    Andrew is now trying to deny what happened:

  9. How can CNN claim to have tracked down the guy, when they can’t Find their way out of a paper bag that’s OPEN?

    I call the whole thing FAKE NEWS. I think the scripted apology sounds way too much like the insincere apologies of Kathy Griffin and others who have stepped in a cowpie.

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