CNN’s Abby Phillip Says Wokeness Was Not the Biggest Problem Democrats Faced During the Election – IOTW Report

CNN’s Abby Phillip Says Wokeness Was Not the Biggest Problem Democrats Faced During the Election

CNN anchor Abby Phillip said Democrats have bigger problems than just “wokeness,” suggesting that they have catered to the elite class for far too long.Phillip issued her diagnosis of the Democratic Party’s issues when speaking at the Institute of Politics for the Harvard Kennedy School of Business last week.

6 Comments on CNN’s Abby Phillip Says Wokeness Was Not the Biggest Problem Democrats Faced During the Election

  1. The low bred trash, subhuman, Marxist/Satanist pieces of shit did not appreciate that while they were busy flooding the country with replacements for people who have a vested interest in what is best Donald Trump and MAGA turned twice that many young Americans away from progressive/Marxist/Satanism.

    The most important take away from the above, and what is not said, is that establishment Republicanism is not part of the deal. Mark my words, the Ryan-McRomBush shitbag asshole losers, will try and take credit and co-opt these young Americans. To their credit, the young people I know who are among that group recognize them for what they are and despise the dirty motherfuckers with as much passion as the Republican establishment hates the Republican base. That is a good thing.

  2. I still think her “you’re at the wrong rally” comment was a big torpedo directly amidship, plus smaller torpedos every time Walz or his wife opened their mouths. The final nail was probably her “I wouldn’t do anything different” remark on The View.

  3. Not the biggest problem… How’s about this: demorats have been scum sucking pieces of human excrement since the days before the civil war, the one where we had to go and pound their asses until they gave up their slaves and let them go free. They haven’t ever improved in any slightest way on any slightest account, they slung bullshit at ignoramuses and got by for many many decades (Walter Cronkite et al), but now with internet and news freedom they are FUCKING SUNK! the demoscum cry out for censorship. They literally bawl for it. it’s the only way their feculent mess of mental defectiveness can play. And it’s not.


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