CNN’s Alisyn Camerota slammed for Trump campaign and MS-13 comparison – IOTW Report

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota slammed for Trump campaign and MS-13 comparison

FOX: CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota was slammed by conservative Twitter users Saturday when she tried to draw parallels between the idea of FBI informants in the brutal gang MS-13 and President Donald Trump’s claim that his campaign was spied on.

“You believe that the FBI planted a spy in the Trump campaign. Are you using the term informant and spy interchangeably?” Camerota asked Matt Schlapp, formerly President George W. Bush’s political director.

“When the FBI uses a source in MS-13 to find out what they’re doing is that a spy or a source, an informant to figure out what MS-13 is doing?” she continued.

“Look if you’re going to equate, I would call it spying,” Shlapp fired back. “And here’s the big difference, Donald Trump is not MS-13, Alisyn.”  MORE

16 Comments on CNN’s Alisyn Camerota slammed for Trump campaign and MS-13 comparison

  1. “Maybe this is what people want. I’ve got the economy set up well for him. No facts. No consequences. They can just have a cartoon,”–Barky

    We’ve seen the CNN cartoon, and you can have it, Barky. Reruns and all.

  2. low IQ’s seem to be a job requirement for CNN employees. As CNN is blocked at my residence I would have never known this happened if I had not seen it here. If it wasn’t for doctors offices and airports CNN would have no viewers at all and I have asked my various doctors to change the damn channel. I simply refuse to watch their ridiculously skewed crap.

  3. I’ve noticed that every time she interviews a conservative, she has a condescending, snotty look on her face. She is signaling her dislike for conservatives to her mostly liberal audience.

  4. Camerota used to be on FOX….

    She was all things conservative at that time…..

    A friend that knows a FOX biggy says they’re all actors playing a part…..


  5. ED357
    Unless you define progressive/leftist as Ronnie R. She ws not conservative. Like many Fox folk she hated President Ron and everything he stood for. As still does Karl Marx!

    Lots of liberal GOPe folk on Fox. And they all want our “betters” to look after us!

    I meant Rove.


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