CNN’s Brian Stelter Recounts Attempted ‘Honey Trap’ by Undercover Fox News Intern – IOTW Report

CNN’s Brian Stelter Recounts Attempted ‘Honey Trap’ by Undercover Fox News Intern

‘There were moments when I thought these were dates—but her flirtatiousness was all part of the ruse’


Brian Stelter’s new book about the “incestuous” relationship between Fox News and President Donald Trump contains at least one amusing anecdote.

In Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth, the author recounts a curious encounter with an undercover Fox News intern in the early 2000s. At the time, Stelter was just another citizen journalist publishing media gossip on his TVNewser blog. His mostly negative reporting on Fox News drew the ire of Roger Ailes and the network’s public relations department, which made him a target of corporate espionage.

Here’s how Stelter described the network’s “sophomoric” attempt to keep tabs on him using the time-honored “honey trap” method:

At one point the Fox News PR department dispatched an intern to strike up a relationship with me. We went out a couple of times in New York City—we went to the late great Coffee Shop restaurant in Union Square, we rode the subway uptown, we even spent a late evening on her rooftop. There were moments when I thought these were dates—but her flirtatiousness was all part of the ruse. MORE

21 Comments on CNN’s Brian Stelter Recounts Attempted ‘Honey Trap’ by Undercover Fox News Intern

  1. If he doesn’t name her it didn’t happen.

    Anyone can make up any story they want for any reason they want but if there are no verifiable facts involved it remains just a story, a fiction made up for some personal reason.

    FWIW, I’ve never thought of FOX as being particularly friendly to Trump, less hostile than the others but not what I’d call friendly.

  2. ..I’ll go this far…if I saw a woman with this BS guy, I’d be pretty sure it was a lie too, for whatever reason, so nice self-awareness on his part THERE, just a shame that’s all the self-awareness he’ll ever have right there…


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