CNN’s Brianna Keilar is apparently so desperate for a bit of attention that she ate dead cicadas on live television – IOTW Report

CNN’s Brianna Keilar is apparently so desperate for a bit of attention that she ate dead cicadas on live television

Gateway Pundit:

The dead insects were prepared for her by sushi Chef Bun Lai, who serves the bugs at his restaurant Miya.

“Hey, that’s actually quite delicious,” Keilar said of the bugs that have been underground for the last 17 years.

33 Comments on CNN’s Brianna Keilar is apparently so desperate for a bit of attention that she ate dead cicadas on live television

  1. There is a 2″ deep pile of dead cicadas at the foot of the oak tree in my back yard. I placed aluminum foil around the trunk about three feet up from the ground and they can’t climb over it.
    Anyway…the dead cicadas smell like fresh dog crap. The odor wafts from the pile with the breeze.
    After smelling that there is no way I could ever put one anywhere near my mouth.

  2. @Dadof4
    We have the black brood X here in the people’s republic of maryland and also the green “annual” cicadas that come every year. The annual population is miniscule compared to what’s going on right now.

  3. First off, which bugs. And anyway, no worse than eel, oyster, snails, froglegs, cow tongue, sheep eyes, squid, monkey brains, the tequila worm… bat soup!… lots of things many people already eat.

    Processed foods already contain insects, intentionally and lackadaisically. That includes chocolate, beer, protein bars, red food coloring (carmine), wheat flour, cinnamon, marjoram, oregano, figs, ginger, mace, other spices, grains, and canned foods.

    Do you have a clue what kind of truly awful chemicals are in the medicines you might pop? At least insects are low far, high protein, and… usually “organic”. 🙂

    Don’t be such provincial little squeamishers.

  4. Janitor, it ain’t the bugs.


    Asian dirt bug eatin’ for survival ain’t this skirts morning news fluff segment. Racist RHRRRAAAAHHHCCCIISSTT!!!!!!!!!

    Also, she’s wearin’ gloves. Let that sink in. Gotta’ keep dem nails clean while you EAT BUGS.

  5. Worms are good, especially deep fried. So are crickets. I’m going to have to find some nice crunchy-tasty cicadas to try.

    There’s nothing wrong with being repelled by the idea of eating bugs, but you should acknowledge that it’s simply the result of acculturation. (I like our culture, too. It’s the best!)

  6. Brad
    JUNE 2, 2021 AT 9:23 PM
    I’m not eating at Janitors place

    …janitor is absolutely correct…they used to call it the “Filth Tolerance Guidelines”, but that was too honest for Government use, so now it’s just called “Food Deficits” but it still refers to how many insect parts, how much mold, and what rat droppings are OK in your processed food…

  7. It’s a fact that there are foreign objects, organic and inorganic, in our food, but I would still question janitor being the chef-du-jour. He’s probably a good cook but I’d be concerned he’d start describing exactly what we’re eating.

  8. Brad
    JUNE 2, 2021 AT 9:51 PM

    “Ah shit dude, I’m already down to 210. You’re not helping”

    …sorry, I’ll keep the line employees personal hygiene habits to myself then so it doesn’t get worse.

    Keeping you in prayer too, that you have victory over cancer. Have not forgotten.

    Dear Lord, touch our Brad today, remove even the possibility of this scourge from his body, give him full and complete healing, and restore his youthful vigor to Your glory. Medical science may call this difficult, even impossible, but that only makes the miracle clear to all when You make Your sign upon him as his Ultimate Physician. It is to You we turn as You command us, in prayer, asking, hoping, and expecting by faith, his full and complete healing. We ask it all in the merciful name of Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,

  9. Amen, thank you SNS.

    By the way, PETA is upset by this kind of thing:

    The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) plans to protest outside of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s home in Virginia and outside the Royal Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. on Thursday. The protests continue their ongoing opposition to Cobra Gold, an annual joint military survival training exercise between the U.S. and Thailand, in which U.S. Marines and their Thai counterparts have eaten insects and other live animals, and drank blood from decapitated snakes…

  10. Jethro;
    “After smelling that there is no way I could ever put one anywhere near my mouth.”

    Kamala said the same thing, but she got past it. She’s “vice” president now.


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