CNN’s Burnett outdumbs herself – IOTW Report

CNN’s Burnett outdumbs herself

Lord help us. This is perhaps her worst moment yet. The anchor was bewildered by a prayer circle. Why?

The image of Donald Trump praying in the Oval Office and…all of those…hands, on him.

Apparently Erin is very unfamiliar with prayer circles. Because that is how they generally work. Check out the cringe-worthy moment here:

32 Comments on CNN’s Burnett outdumbs herself

  1. Thirdtwin : She would Have Done a Little Jig, if it Were Muslim Prayer !
    So She’s a Millenial, or Very Close at Least . The Generation That Learned From Barrack Obama !!!

  2. they are the party of bullies

    they are the party of violence

    they are the party of perversity

    they are the party of no god

    yes, of course it’s “strange” to them

  3. Burnett used to be on CNBC mornings, paired with the late great Mark Haynes.
    She knew exactly zippo, so Haynes invented a format of “Curmudgeonly Veteran Explains Today’s Market Events To Perky Newcomer”.

    Years later she’s been moved up, but still seems astonishingly uninformed on almost every topic she approaches.

    My Granddad said ” Plain girls can be “ignorant”, but pretty girls are always “sheltered”.

    Burnett is deeply, astonishingly “sheltered”.

  4. She never saw them do it to 0bama, Hillary and Bill when they went to visit the church of the all mighty political theater and donations, lead by Pastor Diamond Ring Jr. in the black neighborhoods? Have MURceh! They was no ways taaard in them days. Well… *fans self*

  5. I’ve been to numerous churches and have never seen this and I doubt that 50% of people in this country have either. However, I understand it and support it.

  6. Godliness has this effect on those who are most against it. What Burnett is doing is much worse than just being dumb. She and the media, generally, are trying to convince our citizens that God is an embarrassment and has no place in the public square or the political sphere. She is a good little soldier in the war on Christianity in this country and in the world. She is only one person in a vast army made up of Hollywood, the academy, media and the Democrat party. Politics are downstream from culture and if you can win the culture war, you can almost always win the political war. By the time conservative Christians rouse themselves, the media have already made the case and being anti-Christian is a foregone conclusion.

  7. Oh don’t believe her fake big city girl act for a second. She grew up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in a town called Marcela and the folks there are all about Guns God and Gold. her dad was a lawyer in Salisbury. She came from Rural farm area–what a total fake

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