CNN’s Cuomo Admits He’s ‘Not Impressed By These Campaign Finance Violation Charges’ – IOTW Report

CNN’s Cuomo Admits He’s ‘Not Impressed By These Campaign Finance Violation Charges’

Cuomo – – – “Let’s flip it a little bit and see how many people I can get angry at me in one night. I read that information, what they call the charging document, where there are no charges because there was a plea deal. I’m not impressed by these campaign finance violation charges. He pled guilty. I get it. That was his decision, but they never proved it, and they are cutting it very fine with what they say he did. I don’t think we know that this was some grave campaign finance conspiracy going on. I think they were lying about it, I think they were being sneaky about it, but I don’t know that there’s criminal exposure for the president, especially with all the DOJ guidance about when you can when you can move on a president. They would have to impeach him first. I don’t know this is a high crime or misdemeanor.”  – More at Daily Caller

12 Comments on CNN’s Cuomo Admits He’s ‘Not Impressed By These Campaign Finance Violation Charges’

  1. Here’s the other thing that cracked me up because the libs are going crazy about it:

    “Trump Organization finance chief Allen Weisselberg was reportedly granted immunity by federal prosecutors in an investigation into President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.”

    Allen Weisselberg was questioned and given immunity at the beginning of this year to confirm what he knew about Cohen and as a way to get at Trump, yet found nothing. Libs are acting like this questioning is happening right now. So stupid! Cohen is being sentenced. It’s over. He plead guilty to shit he didn’t have to. Next step is to sue his lawyer, Lanny Davis. Cohen was a useless tool! lol.

  2. I had always thought that to get ahead as a corrupt, unprincipled, disloyal, back-stabbing, insider willing to do anything for the highest bidder, that you had to have a certain minimum level of intelligence; not much, but some.

    I find that I was wrong.

  3. MJA

    This is ALL about the Mid Terms and the MSN is spewing shit like a bunch of Rain Bird Sprinklers. It’s going to get worse. Trump needs to pull some scorched earth shit and get those documents released. Un redacted.

    Jeff Sessions was at the White House yesterday. Today he’s visiting GITMO. Sure would be nice to see some of that Q shit become a reality.


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