CNN’s laughable reason for shielding viewers from pictures of the invasion ‘caravan’ – IOTW Report

CNN’s laughable reason for shielding viewers from pictures of the invasion ‘caravan’

AT: The Democrats’ exploding cigar that is the procession of thousands of Central Americans headed for our border is really hurting their electoral chances, so the story must be kept away from the faithful.  The worst thing a propaganda agency could do is let Americans see those thousands – reportedly 80% of them military-age males – because they look just like the columns of purported “Syrian refugee” military-age Muslims who invaded Europe at the behest of German chancellor Angela Merkel and proceeded to make going out after dark a dangerous excursion for young German women – and, incidentally, tanking voter support for Merkel’s coalition.

So CNN needed to come up with an excuse for not showing pictures of the invaders.  The job fell to Anderson Cooper, perhaps because his white hair is believed to give him credibility, a characteristic in short supply at the senior news net.   MORE

12 Comments on CNN’s laughable reason for shielding viewers from pictures of the invasion ‘caravan’

  1. “…”We’re not showing wall to wall video of that caravan itself because whatever you think about the people in it, there’s no evidence,…”

    cnn will tell you what to believe. Just as they said it was illegal to read clinton’s and the dnc’s emails, and they would do it for the public and tell them what to think/believe, they are doing it again. You’re supposed to be thankful.
    And mexico has offered asylum and employment to the invaders, which they have refused. That negates any claims of asylum in the US of A.

  2. Andrea Mitchell Quotes. “Once again, no one in charge had given any thought to the possibility that a woman would be involved. Someday perhaps I’ll have to get a grownup job. All they expected me to do was rip and read the wire leads, without doing any original reporting”

    Then one day while anchored in shit for maggots
    Her mons pole spake this wriggley grub “CNN SUCKS!”

  3. Cooper’s explanation is actually a reason to show the caravan – to demonstrate that Trump is wrong. But I suppose CNN is tired of Trump proving he is right time after time.

  4. @Thirdtwin October 27, 2018 at 12:50 pm

    > If you don’t like your mob, tough shit.

    Don’t be such a defeatist! I’m sure there’s a court, somewhere, that will make the deplorables eat that sammich.

  5. How do the fools at cnn stay on the air? How do they keep saying more and more moronic stuff and not realize how stupid they sound? They only appeal to people who can’t think for themselves or have been brainwashed. This can be applied to the entire msm.

  6. Thank Gawd that Anderson Cooper is keeping us from the truth that dare not show its face on television. Wait! It’s Anderson Cooper. He’s protecting us from the love that dare not speak its name. Except that he’s out of the closet and his people are out of the shadows. Anderson, we can take it. We just don’t want to watch you trying to give it to us on CNN, where Cooper will never set you free of anything except the facts!


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