CNN’s problems continue – IOTW Report

CNN’s problems continue

DMUK: Inside the explosive meeting with CNN stars angry over Jeff Zucker’s resignation: Jake Tapper called Chris Cuomo a ‘terrorist’, Jim Acosta said network would now become ‘Fox News Light’ and Kaitlan Collins unleashed fury on WarnerMedia CEO. more

15 Comments on CNN’s problems continue

  1. Get woke go broke. If leftists run it, it will collapse. This means we are all, every one, in great personal jeopardy. All our institutions are in the hands of these execrable people. I doubt the local troll will comment on this article. It’s fingers are in its ears and it’s hollering ‘laa laa laa’ as loud as it can.

  2. I really would like to see Jim Acosta beaten badly & robbed at knife point (a box cutter so they can’t use the All Guns are bad M-Kay) outside the CNN headquarters.

    Sorry, but He really deserves to reap the society he helped create. Especially him.

    I’m Shallow. So what.

  3. In the immortal words of a guy I saw watching the Seahawks in the Super Bowl a few years ago at The Tacoma Costco: The wheels is coming off. The mothafuckin wheels is coming off!

  4. GADS. Go to the article and scroll down to the pic of the whole group at a Billy Joel concert and get a look at their pet Mohammadian, Fareed Zakaria.
    It looks like he is plotting a suicide bombing to kill as many infidels as possible.
    Those fingers…..pure evil.

  5. Anybody else think that….in some videos/pics….

    there’s something wrong with zucker’s face….

    lips curled up on right side of his face….

    like he’s talking out of the right side of his mouth….????

    He ever had a stroke…..?

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