CNN’s Scott Jennings Clowns Kamala Harris’ Former Spokesman – IOTW Report

CNN’s Scott Jennings Clowns Kamala Harris’ Former Spokesman

MRC: On CNN’s “State of the Union”, commentator Jamal Simmons got utterly clowned by Scott Jennings, who threw cold water all over the Harris hype that has overtaken the airwaves since President Joe Biden endorsed her to be his successor practically immediately upon withdrawing from the campaign.

WATCH as Jennings blows Simmons’ narrative up in a matter of seconds:

7 Comments on CNN’s Scott Jennings Clowns Kamala Harris’ Former Spokesman

  1. @Brad

    Tyrus been rocking it for years.
    Glad to hear he is doing ok.
    I warned him to have a quick exit strat from that NY Hole.
    I’m almost at my 120 Day Pin for being Fox Free.
    Feels Great.
    For your own FYI, be careful with Fox.
    They are not all what they appear to be.
    Just an FYI.

    As far as Scott Jennings.
    He been hitting Midnight Homers nightly for months.
    The guy is Top Form.
    Ought to get more coverage here, know what I’m saying?

    Thanks for the update.

  2. Troll Watch

    What would be the most ridiculous pick, but meets all the checkboxes?

    There are more than a few to pick from. However, they are already starting to drop off as their pasts are found to be too predictive to be feasible for the ticket.

    Speaking of which, North Carolina Cooper just excused himself from the Big Game as his reveals would be too revealing to his bankers that live in America eating expensive lunches and all you can eat ATM fees. Kinda like that McCrory phony feller.

    The Best Pick for phun will be Buutigiege, and you can’t pronounce it, either.


  3. Speaking of CNN coverage . . .
    Checkout this heavy on specs sheet dropped yesterday / day before today since we also cross a dateline time.

    Very In-Depth

    Of course, if we hadn’t sent all our expensive stuff to Ukraine, and continue today with another $2 BILLION DOLLARS approved YESTERDAY by the Joe Biden Article 25 SIGNING reasons not-with-standing, we would not be having to scramble to spend more money to develope lower costing alternatives other than to JUST SAY NO.

    PS: Whitman

  4. Continuing on an early AM News Roundup
    Checkout these two Rumble Strips
    Yesterdays Dan Bongino and Donald Trump, Jr Podcasts
    Two for the History Books
    Great Historical Snapshots of Current Events
    The Week(s) That Was
    In Thier Own Words

    Can we get More Stuff like this, Fur?

    ^ Dan Bongino Show Ep 2296 About an Hour Runtime

    Next Below: Donald Trump, Jr. Triggered Ep w/ Darren Beattie

    Good Breakfast Starts Your Motor Running

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