CNN’s Tapper Calls Out Biden for Not Doing Any Sunday News Shows – IOTW Report

CNN’s Tapper Calls Out Biden for Not Doing Any Sunday News Shows

  • Tapper is not the first CNN anchor to take Biden to task for his conspicuous absence from Sunday news shows. CNN’s Brian Stelter noted in September that Biden had not appeared on a Sunday news show in 2019. — more at WFB

11 Comments on CNN’s Tapper Calls Out Biden for Not Doing Any Sunday News Shows

  1. Biden has even managed to become an embarrassment to the democrats at this stage so they’ve turned on him like a pack of ravenous wolves.
    The party is being dismantled and only the extreme radicals will be left and hopefully law enforcement will be the undoing of that rabble.

  2. I read an article on American Thinker today about the disintegration of the Demonrat party. It stated that the entire party us built on reservoirs of hate.

    That is a profound truth, Drmonrats are satanic and hate is one of us primary tools.
    Alongside pride, and deceit he uses hate and jealousy to destroy mankind.

    He has been extraordinary successful since 1870 subverting the world into a satanic pile of perversion and corruption using the 1% of the 1 % to control governments, start world wars, and control culture

    The greatest generation turned him back in WW2, but he just matastises into a new form and marches on.

    God has granted us yet another reprieve with PDJT and the great awakening to repent and push back against Lucifer.

    Citizens worldwide are rising up against Satan in China, Iran, Europe, and the US.

    This may be our final chance to prevent the end times and we owe this to our kids and grandkids.

    Grud your loins for battle on Nov 4 the civil war begins.

  3. See CTH. Biden is not a serious candidate. “The Biden Purpose Is Finished, Watch How Fast He Plummets.”

    July 24th Russia hoax collapsed with Mueller’s senile-like testimony.

    July 25th, Joe Biden announced he was running for office, setting up for the Ukranian hoax.

    Obama said “You don’t have to do this, Joe.”

  4. “The party is being dismantled and only the extreme radicals will be left and hopefully law enforcement will be the undoing of that rabble.”

    gin blossom, it sure looks that way. Makes you wonder who is going to run the Dem vote fraud machine after the dEmOcRaT CoNvEnTiOn. Knock on wood, they could be in chaos this year.

  5. stephanie is that you?
    I haven’t heard or seen you since we broke up
    are you still jumping into bed with anyone who would have you?

    now you are charging I see
    at least you learned that much
    whores charge

  6. Not even Jackass Joe knows whut he’s likely to say on these venues and he’s not aware enough to know it, but his handlers are! They keep him confined to small halls and gyms where the audience (the press) can be controlled!


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