CNN’s Zeleny: Comey Didn’t Say Clinton Told the Truth About Her Email, He Testified Many of Her Answers to Public ‘Were False’ – IOTW Report

CNN’s Zeleny: Comey Didn’t Say Clinton Told the Truth About Her Email, He Testified Many of Her Answers to Public ‘Were False’

Breitbart: During a report on Monday’s broadcast of “The Lead,” CNN Senior Washington Correspondent Jeff Zeleny stated that Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s claim that the FBI backed up her answers about her emails wasn’t true, and that the agency’s Director James Comey testified “that many claims Clinton had made to the public were false.”

After playing a clip of Clinton maintaining during her “Fox News Sunday” interview that Comey said her answers about her email were “truthful.” Zeleny said, “That’s not exactly true. FBI Director James Comey has said there’s no evidence Clinton lied to the FBI, but he didn’t say she’d been truthful to the American people. He called her handling of classified information ‘extremely careless.’ The Washington Post fact checker gave her answer a failing grade of four Pinocchios.  MORE

14 Comments on CNN’s Zeleny: Comey Didn’t Say Clinton Told the Truth About Her Email, He Testified Many of Her Answers to Public ‘Were False’

  1. Exactly Joe6.
    “FBI Director James Comey has said there’s no evidence Clinton lied to the FBI.”


    Hillary was interviewed on a Saturday, a holiday weekend, days after Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton in Phoenix.

    It was NOT RECORDED in any manner and James Comey WASN’T EVEN FUCKING THERE!


  2. Typical FBI procedure–interview FIRST, then investigate. If investigation reveals you lied during your interview, that is a crime in itself. Instead, the FBI investigated, then interviewed her to VERIFY their findings. Of course she didn’t lie to them.

    She did perjure herself before Congress.

  3. The Director of the FBI is appointed for a ten year term however he can be fired by the President or impeached by Congress on a 2/3’s vote. Since Obama isn’t going to fire him and Clinton would likely give him a raise it ought to be congress’s job to get this dissembling, incompetent political lizard out of office but it will never happen. Maybe Trump will should he be elected.

  4. This reminds me of something we did in a Dale Carnegie class one time. Take a normal sentence and put the stress on a different word each time, and see how the meaning changes.
    “I didn’t say you stole the money.”
    Hillary is the master of this tactic.

  5. She spins so fast, look for her to time travel.

    In fact, maybe that explains how she was able to predict the price of cattle when she bought those cattle futures!

    Witch. Damn, where’s Dorothy, Toto and that falling house when you need ’em?

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