Coast Guard Arrests Man Crossing Atlantic In Giant Hamster Wheel. Again. – IOTW Report

Coast Guard Arrests Man Crossing Atlantic In Giant Hamster Wheel. Again.

GP: U.S. Coast Guard arrested Reza Baluchi, 44, for attempting to cross the Atlantic Ocean 70 miles off the coast of Florida in a human-powered hamster wheel. He was intercepted on August 26th, which led to a several-day standoff in which he threatened to kill himself with a knife.

Baluchi also claimed to have a bomb, which turned out to be false. Officials were finally able to convince him to surrender on August 29th. He was brought ashore at the Coast Guard Base in Miami Beach on September 1st.

As odd as this may seem, he has attempted this three other times in 2014, 2016, and 2021. All previous attempts ended with the Coast Guard having to intervene on his behalf. His latest stunt has him facing Federal charges. more here

10 Comments on Coast Guard Arrests Man Crossing Atlantic In Giant Hamster Wheel. Again.

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like 70 miles from the coast isn’t any nation’s business.

    They should worry less about people who aren’t hurting anyone but themselves and more about the pedophile fraud wrecking this nation every day.

  2. And what exactly did they arrest him for? Being stupid? Compared to what or who?

    Another sign of failure in our decaying society, that government services are somehow on the hook for protecting you from yourself. Who cares if he wants to cross the ocean in his wheel contraption, he’s not hurting anyone. But it is understood that he is on his own, no Coast Guard rescues. Let nature decide his fate.

  3. SNS – Well this is somewhat vague, but… –
    Florida state waters are from shore to 3 nautical miles on the Atlantic and from shore to 9 nautical miles on the Gulf. In most places, federal waters extend from where state waters end out to about 200 nautical miles or to where other country’s waters begin.

    Of course with the current administration it could be whatever they decide is appropriate.

  4. The essence of this story? Government owns you. Lockdowns? They own you. Mandatory K-12 ‘education? They own you. Off with you in your hamster wheel, h/t TRF take care of the gerbil if you will, have a ball out there big guy, see you on the flip side!


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