Coast Guard Seized a Record 416,600 Pounds of Cocaine in 2016 – IOTW Report

Coast Guard Seized a Record 416,600 Pounds of Cocaine in 2016

CNS: The year 2016 was a record-breaking year for the U.S. Coast Guard’s fight against drug trafficking.

By the end of October, the Coast Guard had seized over 416,600 pounds of cocaine worth nearly $5.6 billion, the largest one-year amount in the service’s history. This total was accumulated over 263 individual interdictions primarily in the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the eastern Pacific Ocean.

During these operations, the Coast Guard also apprehended 585 suspected drug smugglers, 465 of whom were transferred to the U.S. for prosecution.

The Coast Guard is one of America’s most potent forces in the fight against drug trafficking, but the service also recognizes the uphill battle it faces in this fight.  more here

SNIP: This should worry a few Hollywood types…

9 Comments on Coast Guard Seized a Record 416,600 Pounds of Cocaine in 2016

  1. i’m confused.
    did they then resell it?
    how does this affect the opium trade the feds established in Afghanistan?
    does this mean the feds cornered the market this year on cocaine?
    how much did the clintons and bush’s take off the top?
    did rick james get his share? “cocaine’s a hell of a drug!”

  2. This is another good project the Mexican and Central American gov’ts can pay for. Drug trafficking is one of the main reasons Mexican officials don’t want a wall. It will put a severe dent in their kickbacks from the cartels.

  3. Zonga,
    And if the boat was hijacked? Or the owner’s family held at gunpoint?
    Remember, if you rent a home to a drug-dealer, you have no right to inspect their doings, but if they’re caught, the state gets the home.

    Most of these (forfeiture) things are “[m]ucked up by design” to the advantage of the state and the cops – the owners be damned.

    izlamo delenda est …

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